She Lives On (Cobra)

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I sit in between Thinker and the Commander, muscles tense. But Thinker has calmed down (thank God) and has toned down her idea outbursts. That doesn't stop me and Commander from being cautious though.

I cough. "Well, now that everything's chill now. Why don't we start up the next chapter. Cobra, right?" I ask.

"Actually his name's Erik..." Thinker mutters.

From my right, Feels tenses. A cold, eerie, fog surrounds her. And me and Thinker gulp. The Commander sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose.

"So, why didn't anyone tell me that. When we made two chapters based on this character?"

* * * *

"I'm pregnant."

For a second, the words don't register in his head. He blinked dumbly at his younger sister, who's nervously fidgeting under his gaze. She wasn't looking at him. She was ashamed and embarrassed.

Finally he croaked, "Who?"

Her eyes saddened and she wistfully shook her head. She placed her hands on her stomach, as if to seek comfort from the growing life in it.

"It doesn't matter..." she murmured.

Damn. He couldn't hear her. Why couldn't he hear her?

"Of course it matters! I need to find the guy who fuc-"


They both fell silent.

"I'm alone," she whispered.

Erik stiffened. He rushed forward, carefully gathering her into his arms. But despite the gentleness of his embrace, his younger sibling still broke down. She let out a cry of pain and despair. The sound would forever been burned into his brain.

Suddenly all he can hear are her thoughts. Every single one of them made his grip tighter.

I can't do this.

I didn't want him to die on me.

Why did he leave me?

Who's going to help take care of the baby?

I'm all alone.

He silenced her by hugging her tight and whispering in her ear.

"It'll be okay. I'll take care of you."

* * * *

"Don't go," she begged. She pulled harder on his sleeve. "Don't leave me!"

I can't do this on my own, Erik! Her thoughts screamed.

The mind reader swallowed his guilt and hugged his younger sister.

"It'll just be a day, I promise."

She gripped onto his shirt and dug her face into his shoulder. "Promise?"


* * * *

It's been a month.

FairyTail Sister One-Shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें