Happy (Freed X Bickslow's Sister! Reader)

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"-and so I don't know how to act around him. Cause he's cute and sweet but he's always going on about how he's a man. What's weird is that I actually think it's adorable because he looks buff as hell but he's actually a teddy bea-"

Freed and the three others groaned as Evergreen chattered on and on. Laxus was lucky because of his headphones, so he just turned on his music. Him and Bickslow, were not as lucky. The rune master sighed, resting his head against his hand. He decided to pull out one of his books, a gift from his lover, and turned to his recent page.

But even though he was absorbed by the good book, he was still annoyed that Evergreen was still speaking. Bickslow had apparently lost his last bit of patience and slammed his palms down on the table.

"Look, Evergreen. You've been whining about your crisis for about an hour now. I'm getting kind annoyed here!"

Kind annoyed kinda annoyed kinda annoyed kinda annoyed!

The brunette's face went red and she glared back at him. "You don't understand how critical this situation is!"

"I don't really want or need to. You're annoying the crap outta me!"

"What the hell did you say!?"

This was starting to sound like Gray and Natsu. He rolled his eyes and ducked his head back into the story. Unfortunately, their bickering turned into almost screaming at each other. He sent a glance at Laxus, who lazily shrugged and closed his eyes. Freed sighed, knowing that this was going to end in fighting either way.

"Guys, that's enough."

He looked up and saw (Y/n) standing between their two teammates. She frowned motherly at the both of them, the action making them both glance away. "You're members of the Thunder Legion. Be more mature."

Wise words. That's one of the reasons why he liked her so much. Freed paused, wondering if he really thought that. He looked at her again.


Someone nudged his arm. He glanced to his right. Laxus smirked knowingly, causing his face to go red.

* * * *

Freed sat alone in the cafe, enjoying another book given by (Y/n). It was rather interesting. He wasn't one for fairy tales but he made an exception with this one. He had been so immersed with the words on the pages that he didn't notice the waitress. The green-haired mage quickly thanked her as she handed him his mug of coffee.

The waitress stared at him with an all too familiar expression. Lust. Passionate lust.

Freed resisted cringing and politely smiled.

"So," She started. "I'm (w/n). You're from Fairy Tail, right?"


She ripped off a piece of paper from her notebook and scribbled on it. (W/n) gave him the paper with a wink.

"We should meet up sometime. You know, go see a show or something..."

He sweat, trying to think of an excuse.

The waitress leaned closer and Freed tried not to jump out of his seat.

"Whoooooooa there," Someone grabbed her shoulder and pulled her back. "I think you're makin' him a bit uncomfortable, lady."

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