Everyone suddenly took notice of my presence as the door opened. They gasped amd ran towards me, Pidge wrapping her arms around my waist.

"Phoenix!" She cried, "We were so worried when you passed out like that."

I smiled and gently patted down her fluffy dirty blonde hair.

"I'm okay. I just used my abilities too much. How long was I out?" I said.

"You were unconscious for about an hour and a half." Shiro said.

I chuckled, but my chuckles quickly turned to harsh coughs that brought me to my knees as my body shook.

"Phoenix! What's wrong?" Lance asked as everyone crowded around me.

I couldn't answer him as my coughs didn't let up until a minute or two later.

I took in deep breaths and pulled my hand away from my mouth, my eyes widening as I saw black stain my palm.

Everyone gasped as they saw the black in my palm. I sighed and wiped the black stain on my cloak.

"Solaris, what was that you coughed up?" Coran asked scared about the black stain.

I was silent for a moment, before whispering my answer.

"What was that?" Coran asked.

"It was ash." I said.

"Ash?" Shiro asked confused.

I nodded solemnly, "Yeah. When I overuse my abilities, I cough up ash. It's a bad side effect sadly. But it doesn't hurt me, it's just a sign that I need to rest."

"So, what caused you to pass out like that?" Lance asked.

"Speaking of which, you still haven't told us what those abilities you have are." Keith said from his corner leaning against the wall with his arms crossed.

I looked up at my friends and nodded, pushing Pidge away as they all opened their ears.

"I guess I should start at the beginning." I started walking over to Allura's podium and sitting on the small steps.

"I am not fully human, I told you that before I passed out. I also told and showed you that I could create flames. When I was born, I was born with my bright green and magenta eyes and fire colored hair. When I was little, I found out that I could create flames at will, and see them within people."

"What do mean by see them within people?" Allura asked confused as were the rest of the group.

"There is a flame within every living thing. Call it what you want, the soul, the spirit, the mind. It's all in your flame." I explained.

"So, you can see people by looking at this flame?" Lance asked.

I nodded, "Yeah, that's how I was able to sense the robeast back at the Xanthroium cluster base. There was something inside it. It wasn't alive, but its flame held so much hatred and malice."

"So, do we have all these flames?" Hunk asked, "What does mine say about me?"

I smiled and changed my vision, "A bright yellow flame that glows with kindness, but is also cautious about dangers with immense strength to protect others. When your friends are in danger you become headstrong, driven and single-minded. That part showed when you were so persistent in helping the Balmerans."

Everyone was surprised by the detailed description of our yellow paladin friend.

"That.... That's actually pretty accurate now that I think about it." Lance said as he thought over my words.

Voltron's Fire: The Phoenix in the StarsWhere stories live. Discover now