Sibling Care (Part Two)

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Requested by Sundae02168. I hope you like it and thank you for requesting!


You and Taehyung were happy to see Jungkook and Jimin start to feel better after days of being sick with the flu. You two claimed it was from your special care, as you both had taken care of them. But the consequences of your loving care hit hard and when Jin came to wake you up one morning, he found both you and Taehyung snuggled under a heap of blankets sicker than dogs.

"Poor babies," Jin cooed playfully as he wiped off your sweaty foreheads. "I bet you two took such good care of your siblings that you got their sickness."

"I wanna give it back," Taehyung murmured, rolling over to get away from the light Jin turned on.

You nodded, sniffling. "Me too. It's not fun."

Jin grinned. "How about you two stay here? I'll go get breakfast fixed and bring it up here for you."

"Sounds good to me," you agreed, Taehyung's head bobbing up and down beside you.

However, when Jin came back with two plates, he found you two both asleep, backs to each other. The oldest sighed, before turning the light off and placing the plates on your vanity. After the rest of the siblings ate and left the house to go to work or visit friends, it was just two ill siblings with Jin and Yoongi left.

"I have a job for you," Jin stated as Yoongi washed his plate.

"You always do," the second oldest muttered. He placed his half-washed plate in the sink and turned to his brother. "What now?"

"Two of the babies are sick," Jin said matter-of-factly. "I need you to help me take care of them. You know those two are always the ones to whine the most."

"I don't know," Yoongi argued. "Jungkook whines a lot."

"Well, when he's sick, he just stays in bed and watches stuff on his phone. Those two like to venture around the house and cry to anyone they can," Jin said.

"Hyung, I feel awful," Taehyung pouted, walking over to rest his head on Yoongi's shoulder. The older didn't waver, as if he was used to it.

"See what I mean?" Jin chuckled before he placed his hands on his hips. "Why don't you go lay with them and make sure they don't get out of bed." Jin made sure to narrow his eyes at Taehyung, who just grinned, his cheeks flushed red from his fever.

Yoongi did at told and walked with Taehyung back to your room, where you had moved to where your brother had been sleeping to take advantage of his left-over body heat. "Yoongi-oppa," you called, raising your arms up when you saw the second oldest enter. "Are you here to take care of me?"

"As always," he yawned. He nudged Taehyung forward to the bed. "Come on, come on. Hyung will get angry if he sees you're still up."

"You have to lay with us, too," Taehyung snickered. "Jin-hyung said so."

"Is Yoongi going to lay with us?" you giggled. "That hasn't happened in like, five years."

Yoongi gave you a look as he climbed into your bed that wasn't meant for three people. It could barely fit two, for that matter. "Hey, I took a nap with you the other day."

"That feels like forever ago," you argued. As soon as Yoongi got wedged in between you and your sick brother, you both grabbed a hold of him.

"Maybe this is why sicknesses get spread so easily around here," the second oldest murmured. Something seemed to click in Yoongi's mind and he whined. "Awe, man, now I'm going to get sick."

"It's a cycle you can't escape from," Taehyung joked.

Soon, Jin returned with two bowls of soup. "Alright, you two, why don't you sit up and try to eat what you can. I have some water boiling downstairs for tea if you want some."

You perked you, releasing the grasp you had on Yoongi's arm. "Can I have peppermint tea?" you asked. "Please? That always helps!"

Jin nodded. "Why would I mention tea if you couldn't have any?" He brought over your bowl, making sure it wasn't on your bare lap because the dish was hot. "I made it specially with love."

"Did you make mine with love?" Taehyung asked, still underneath the covers with his older brother.

Jin shrugged. "Not as much as Princess' but maybe a little," Jin chuckled before he brought Taehyung's over and waited for him to sit up. "I'm kidding. Anything else you two want?"

You and Taehyung both shook your heads, too busy scarfing down the soup Jin made for you. Yoongi pursed his lips. "You didn't ask me."

"You're not sick," Jin answered, going over to a drawer in your room and opening it to reveal your favorite movies.

"Sure I am," Yoongi stated matter-of-factly. "I'm sick of not being treated with the care they get treated with."

Jin pulled out a movie and put it into your DVD player. "Sounds like your problem. Besides, you're old. Old people don't get treated with special care."

You grinned, looking over at Yoongi who seemed speechless. "You're mean," the blonde quipped, grabbing one of your pillows and pouting with it in his arms.

"Fine, fine," Jin sighed, turning away from the TV as soon as the movie started playing. Jin crawled in the bed beside his younger brother and took him into his arms, pillow and all. The younger looked shocked at the action. The oldest started petting Yoongi's hair, much like he would do to you when you were sad or upset. "There, there, baby. It'll be okay." The mocking tone in Jin's voice made it clear that he was joking, but you and Taehyung still giggled.

"Ew," Yoongi groaned, pushing his hyung away. "Never mind. I don't want that."

Jin fake pouted and continued to "cuddle" his younger sibling. You saw his grip tighten, though. "Take my love, dongsaeng!" The cute session turned into a playful fight as Yoongi's palm made contact with Jin's cheek in an effort to push him away.

You looked over at Taehyung, who was drinking the broth from his soup. "Weirdoes," you whispered loud enough for him to hear.

Taehyung's nod was exaggerated. "So glad he's not like that with us."

You giggled, seeing the joke before coughing. "Jin, I'm dying," you managed to choke out.

But the two oldest were still wrestling away, pushing and shoving each other away.


i hope you like it uwu

i'm getting back into writing so i hope these imagines aren't bad :(( i'm trying my best, i swear!!

and i need to have a talk with dove chocolate. i got this chocolate bar and it was called "Rasberry rose" or something and it looked good on the package and sounded good so naturally i bought it because i was like "yummy" but i ate a little thing of it before i shaved my legs and i became very sad because it was not at all as good as i had hoped it would be   :(( i am disgusted-

jk dove chocolate, you guys have good milk chocolate but not good rasberry rose chocolate. keep trying tho :)

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