Sad Movies

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Jimin felt something nudge him in his sleep. He murmured a response, but you could tell he wasn't awake, so you nudged him a little harder. And harder. And harder.

Jimin finally yawned before cracking his eyelids open. "Oh, sis, what are you doing?"

You sniffled, tears streaked down your face. "I watched a sad movie," you whine and Jimin murmured an "oh."

"What was so sad about it?" he asked.

You sniffled again, before crawling under the covers of your brother's bed. "The doggie died."

Jimin sighed and wrapped his arm around you. "That's okay, sis. It was just a dog acting like he was dead. I'm sure he's fine."

"You promise, oppa?"

Jimin nodded. "Pinky promise."

You laid there for a few more minutes, letting your tears fall until there were no more, but your brother raised his head up. "Wait a sec, you aren't supposed to have your TV on a school night."

Your cheeks flushed red. "Don't tell Jin, please."

Jimin chuckled and gave you a kiss on your cheek. "Hurry and go turn it off before you fall asleep."

You did as told and then came back to sleep with your brother, who had already drifted off once more.


jimin is too cute and he makes my heart do weird things

And thank you for all the s words. I didn't expect anyone to contribute lol

One Sister, Seven Brothers, and Another Set of Memories {BTS}Where stories live. Discover now