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Requested by gucci_yoongi. I hope you like it and thank you for requesting!

! sad and separate au !


They always say your life can change in just as instant. In the blink of an eye, your whole world could be flipped upside down. Everyone always hopes that they don't have to experience that hard truth, but many do, including the Kim household.

Jin was sleeping peacefully in his comfy blankets. It was Saturday morning, so he didn't have to get up early to get ready for work. No one had to get up early. Everything was peaceful quiet. That is, until an ear-piercing scream woke up everyone in the house, including any dead person in a close proximity.

Jin shot up and fumbled with the heavy blankets. The screaming continued and his mind was telling him to hurry and figure out what was wrong before it got worse. He slipped on some pants before speeding down the hallway to your room, Yoongi right behind him. Your door was already open and your other brothers were either peering inside your room or on your bed trying to calm you down.

"Hey," Jimin soothed. "Calm down, calm down. What's wrong, (Y/N)? Was it a nightmare?"

You were in tears and Jin noticed that your fists were clenched with handfuls of blanket in them. He pushed through the siblings at your door and walked over to you. "Hey, princess," he called.

You jumped, looking around. "J-J-Jin?" you stammered, breathing heavily.

"What's wrong?" he asked, sitting next to Jimin on the bed.

"I can't see you," you told him, shaking with fear. "I can't see anything. What's wrong?"

"What do you mean you can't see him?" Namjoon asked. "Your eyes are open."

His statement seemed to send you into hysterics. "What?" you screeched. You started to breathe heavily once more and Jimin grabbed your shoulders.

"(Y/N), calm down," he stressed. "We can't help you if you keep acting like this."

"I can't see you," you cried. "I can't see at all. I don't what's happening. I just woke up and everything was black. Oppa, help me. Help me."

Your use of the word "oppa" sent chills down everyone's spine. They knew you weren't joking then. You were being serious. You suddenly couldn't see, and they didn't know how to help you.

"You think she's blind?" Jungkook squeaked. He bit at his nails, hoping this was just some sick dream.

Jin went to your side and touched your arm. You jumped, not knowing he had moved. "Who was that?" you asked, your eyes searching everywhere but in vain.

"Me, (Y/N)," Jin responded. He sighed and stood. "I'm going to get her ready and we're going to head to the hospital." The others nodded and disbanded, going to get ready themselves.

Jin helped you put your clothes on and get ready. He brushed your hair and tied your shoes and gave you your toothbrush when you had to brush your teeth. You were very timid and shaky now as if you didn't trust anybody. You felt scared and alone since all you saw was a black void everywhere you looked.

"We're at the stairs now," Jin told you. "Nothing about them has changed, so just let me lead you, okay?"

You nodded and tried your best. You clung onto your oldest brother's arm for dear life, feeling your way down the stairs. When you came to the bottom, Jin told someone to help you into the car while he got a few things.

Yoongi hoisted you up into the car when Jin gave him the order. You were very still as you sat. You knew where you were and you knew who was around you, but you felt as if you were alone in a foreign land. Nothing seemed familiar to you. Nothing seemed right. Jungkook helped Yoongi get you buckled in and when the door shut beside you, you jumped like you had when Jin touched you.

"Is this Jungkook?" you asked, patting someone's thigh beside you.

"Yes," your brother answered, taking your hand and holding it. "I'm right here."


The doctor told your siblings what they already knew – you were blind. The doctor couldn't tell them how or why sadly. It was as if your eyes just shut off during the night and weren't able to come back on when you woke. You were devastated at the news, but you became even more upset when the doctor said he couldn't help you.

"You have to," Hoseok stated. "There has to be something you can do."

The doctor only shook his head. "I'm afraid there isn't."

On the way home, you sat quietly in your seat. You didn't cry anymore since it seemed like you didn't have any left. Jungkook continued to hold your hand on the way back home, reassuring you that he was there even if you couldn't see him.

The Kim family started to revamp the house to accommodate you. Your room had been moved downstairs into what had been a spare bedroom. Taehyung volunteered to move downstairs as well, so if you needed someone during the night, someone would be near.

As the days went on, you began to feel sadder and sadder about your situation. You felt like a burden to your brothers. You felt as if they thought you were stupid and weak now and that they might feel like you're a weight weighing them down. You didn't want to go out anymore and it seemed like one of them was always having to stay with you and help you out.

"I'm sorry I'm such a burden," you murmured one night as you sat on the couch. You weren't doing anything, really. Just occupying a space on the couch for no reason.

"What do you mean?" Hoseok asked.

"You could never be a burden," Taehyung reassured.

You sighed. "I know I am. I can't do anything. I never go anywhere. I'm sorry."

"There's nothing to be sorry for, dongsaeng." You felt a pair of lips touch your cheek. "You've done nothing wrong."

"Yeah," Taehyung agreed. "It's okay. We enjoy staying home with you. More bonding time," he smiled, though you weren't able to see his cute smile anymore.

You nodded and hugged your knees to your chest. They're just lying. You are a burden, but they don't want to hurt you.

"Whatever you say," you whispered under your breath, too quiet for anyone to hear.


i hope you liked it!

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