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Requested by JashieMae. I hope you like it and thank you for requesting!

"Sucks to your as-mar!" ~ The Lord of the Flies, one of the worst/best books that has amazing quotes to randomly shout :)


When you were younger, you had been diagnosed with acute asthma and you were forced to carry around an inhaler with you. Well, you weren't forced but Jin was pretty stressed out about it and he didn't know what he'd do if you just fell to the ground unable to breathe one day. He felt safer knowing you at least had something to help you close by. However, you only had one or two spells before you went literal years without another one. You still packed an inhaler around, but now it was mainly used a joke with your friends instead of a medical device.

One night, though, you woke up in a panic. You were sweating and your heart was pumping and your lungs weren't letting any air in.

Wait, what was that?

You couldn't breathe?

Realizing this sent you into a frenzy and your head started spinning. You didn't know what to do. You stumbled out of bed and to your door before you threw it open and ran into the door across the hall. It was only Jimin in there tonight, for Namjoon was at a friend's.

Hearing a loud thud, Jimin jumped awake and before he could sit up and ponder what caused the noise, his door opened and you flung yourself onto his bed, crying and gaping like a dying fish for breath.

Jimin still had no clue what was going on, but he realized it was you. "Ah, calm down, calm down," he soothed, hugging you close to him. "Let me turn the light on and you can tell me what's wrong." He let go of you and reached over to his nightstand. He pulled the chain on his lamp and a bright, yellow glow filled the room and illuminated your teary, sweaty face. "What's wrong?" Jimin asked, ready to cuddle you asleep after a scary nightmare. Only you pointed to your throat and only then Jimin realized that you were having trouble breathing. His eyes widened and he jumped up off his bed. "(Y/N), where's your inhaler? In your purse, right?"

You nodded frantically, healing light-headed. You watched as he ran out and you heard his heavy footsteps run into your room. You sat there in the lamplight, feeling scared and helpless. This is a stupid way to go, you thought, mentally sighing. You were losing hope as you began to feel lighter, but soon, you felt your inhaler being shoved in your mouth and then a moist coat of medicine forming on the back of your throat. The inhaler left and you felt Jimin brushing your sweat-soaked locks back away from your face. You sat there for what felt like an eternity until your breath came back to you. Jimin noticed your breaths were getting deeper and he realized he had been holding his breath.

"Are, are you okay?" he stammered, hoping this episode was over.

It took you a minute to register everything but you nodded and Jimin breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank God," he murmured, his fingers still brushing your already-swept-back hair. "I thought you were a goner there for a sec. I didn't know what was going on."

You swallowed, your throat dry. "I don't know what happened. I just woke up and I couldn't breathe."

Jimin laid back and yawned. You two laid in silence for a while before Jimin sat back up. "Don't scare me like that again. I didn't like that."

"I didn't like it, either. I couldn't breathe," you replied and Jimin just huffed.

"At least you still carry this thing with you," Jimin said, the red inhaler still in his tight grip. "I don't know what would have happened if we had thrown this away or something."

"I don't know either, but let's not think about it," you told him, to which he agreed before he told you to sleep in Namjoon's empty bed in case you had another fit during the night.

"I don't want you too far away, okay? Just a few feet away feels far enough."


bts: yo what's that girl doing at your feet

jungkook: *looks down at me laying on his feet* idk man but she keeps crying about how people want her to write me as a mean person but she loves me too do something like that

me: *sobbing* you're just a precious baby uwu you can't be mean

Update on bts toddlers in the sims:


anyway, jin is doing great. he likes to talk to my sim and get his way since I made him fussy so whatever Jin asks for he gets

Yoongi only plays on a tablet for hours on end so I don't have worry about him much but since he's independent, he tried to use the potty by himself without asking for help (because in the sims you have to potty train or else they'll just use their diaper) and he became sad because "he made an accident" and he complained to Namjoon and I was like "they're making  cypher 5 about how bad of a caretaker I am"

The first thing Hobi did was start dancing and I was like "accurate" and he's very talkative and he the one I left in the highchair for like... three hours

Y'all I'm pretty sure Namjoon broke the dollhouse and besides that, he likes to play in the toilet and he won't let me change his diaper so he forever has a stink cloud following him. He also keeps leaving the house at random times to go outside and he sits alone a lot and I'm like "poor baby:(("

Jimin is doing a-ok and he's the only that obeys me most of the time and I gave him cute glasses and he's just adorable. I'll try to show y'all screenshots sometime lol

Taehyung... *cue the trigger meme* he will not obey me whatsoever and he also rejected my hug :(

Jungkook just pees on the floor and asks me for things all the time since he's clingy. He was the first one to acknowledge my sim  lol. And I was like "I literally haven't talked to you" so I tried to play with him but he got sad because he got an "ouchie"

As for my sim, she looked like she wanted to die before I even started playing lol

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