Pick Me Instead

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Requested daddyisV. I didn't tag you because it came up with someone else I think hehe. I hope you like it, though, and satisfies your need for a clingy yoongi!


It was just you, Yoongi, and Taehyung for the weekend. Like always, the remaining siblings stayed in a single room together. Yoongi was in Jungkook's bed while Taehyung was in his own, leaving you Hoseok's soft bed. You were currently wasting time in the bathroom before you had to go to bed. However, you felt bad for making them wait for you, so you shortly arrived, clad in your comfy pajamas.

"We left you Hoseok's bed," Taehyung told you as he was snuggling one of his many pillows. You could tell he was tired. Not to mention, he had been pulling double shifts at his work since people didn't want to show up.

You nodded before looking at Yoongi. "Can I sleep with you?" you asked sweetly.

Yoongi looked up from his phone, a little confused. "Aren't you a little too old for that?"

Taehyung went to argue and say that you can never be too old, but he instead played the "I'm the better oppa" card. He raised up and picked up the blankets to make room for you. "You can sleep with me instead, Princess."

You grinned and started to make your way toward him, but Yoongi felt misplaced. "What? She didn't ask you, she asked me."

"You rejected her," Taehyung snickered.

"I didn't reject her, I just said she was too old," Yoongi argued.

"So, who am I supposed to sleep with?" you asked, smiling a bit out of confusion.

"Me, because I didn't tell you that you were too old to," Taehyung snipped.

"Yah," Yoongi growled. "You asked me first, so me."

"I feel really bad now," you blushed, "I'll just sleep by myself so I don't make anyone mad." The two watched you crawl into Hoseok's bed and make yourself at home.

Yoongi saw Taehyung's foot slip out from under the covers and watched as the younger shimmied to the side of the bed. Yoongi caught on. "What do you think you're doing?"

Taehyung perked up, having been caught. "Nothing," he grinned, before he got out of bed and made a rush to get into the one you were in. Yoongi quickly jumped out of bed, too, and made an effort to get to you before he did. Unfortunately, Taehyung's bed is closer to Hoseok's than Jungkook's. So, to get Taehyung to share you, Yoongi picked up the first pillow he saw and whacked Taehyung with it.

"What did I do?" the younger brother whined as he snuggled your giggling body.

"She asked me first," the older explained through labored breaths.

"Now, there's no reason to hit me," Taehyung remarked. "There's still enough room for you."

"Yeah," you giggled.

"But I wanted her to myself," Yoongi frowned.

Taehyung tsked. "Sharing is caring, Yoongi. Didn't you learn that from Care Bears? You know, when that was the only think Hoseok wanted to watch?"

Taehyung was dealt another blow from one of Hoseok's pillows. "It's hyung to you."

"If you're going to behave this way, then I won't share," Taehyung scolded, sounding like a true mom. "And why do all of us have to call you hyung but Hobi and Jimin?"

"They're special and not butts like you," Yoongi said, making Taehyung roll his eyes.

"Now you're going to get it." Taehyung rolled out of bed and started to play fight with his older brother. Your brothers always play-wrestled with each, so the sight wasn't alarming as the two threw light punches at each other, despite Taehyung being at an obvious advantage due to his height. While they were "fighting," you snuck over to the bed Yoongi was sleeping in for the night. It wasn't long until he noticed.

"Ha! Look who's bed she got it?" Yoongi boasted, smiling pridefully even though he was in a mock chokehold.

"That's not your bed, so technically, she just chose Jungkook," Taehyung chirped.

Yoongi rolled his eyes before slapping his brother on the arm. "Sometimes, you should keep your thoughts to yourself."


ahh i hope you like it!

friend we shall name angela: lexie, throw it up!

*all my classmates get ready to hit the whoa*

angela: *grabs trash can and starts running to me*

me: *fake gagging*

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