Don't Grow Up

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Requested by Vikk_Is_Mine_Star123. Thank you so much for requesting and I hope you like it!


There was a boy in your class that you had known since kindergarten. You two had been friends since kindergarten and for the past couple years starting in freshman year, you two had become best friends. You were always hanging out with each other at school and sometimes, you two would get with a group of friends and go hang out at the mall or the park. You two were always texting each other whether it be about homework or a stupid meme. It was like you two were inseparable.

Your attitude at home changed. You seemed to always happy as if someone had given you Hoseok's virus. Not to mention, you were always checking your phone, making sure your friend hadn't texted you and you were leaving him hanging. When you'd leave to take a shower or go to bed, your brothers would steal your phone and look back on the texts you and your friend were sending back and forth.

"They're so cute," Jimin would sigh, reading the texts.

"And innocent," Namjoon added, seeing that you both were complaining about couples kissing in the hallway at school.

Your brothers would tease you about your friend every now and then.

"How's your loverboy doing?" Yoongi would ask at the dinner table.

"Loverboy?" you'd echo, confused about who he was talking about.

"(Friend/N)," Taehyung would explain.

"He's not my loverboy," you'd blush, stuffing your face with food so you could leave the table as quickly as possible and be saved from embarrassment.

"Oh, yeah right," Hoseok would butt in. "He totally likes you."

"And you totally like him back," Jin said.

"But you're not dating him," Jungkook would comment as he sipped his drink.

Hoseok slapped his arm. "Hush your mouth. I think this boy is an eligible bachelor."

"Since when did you start expanding your vocabulary?" Namjoon asked, grinning.

Hoseok tapped his forehead. "College, my dude."

"We don't like each other," you'd state, confused about what the hype was.

"We all know that's bull crap," Yoongi said. "We've seen the texts."

"You read our texts?" You looked at your brothers, shocked. "Why would you do that?"

"We wanted to know who was making you smile all the time," Taehyung answered. "Someone was doing our job and we couldn't allow them to do that."

And they'd continue to egg you on, encouraging you to ask him out one day, despite Jungkook opposing everything. You'd get shy and try to escape, but someone would always pull back, sitting you in their lap so you couldn't get away from their teasing. But in reality, they didn't want you to grow up. They didn't want to start finding a serious boyfriend and spending your time with them and not your siblings. Because they knew that the second you'd start growing up, they'd blink and you'd be off to college or getting married before they couldn't do anything about it.


i hope you liked it!

Things said Friday in bio:

"So I can impregnate myself?"

"If you're both drunk, sex doesn't count."

"So if you're a hermaphrodite, are the two... thingies... like, beside each other?"

"Stop shaving your pants" *this was me hehe*

*in a loud whisper* "Im bLeEdINg"

I love bio

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