After School Nap

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You sat at the counter, your school clothes still on as you had just gotten home a few minutes ago. You were trying to listen to Taehyung's drama of the day as he talked with Jungkook and Jin, but your allergies were just weighing you down. You were tired and congested and all you wanted was to lay down for a bit.

"Jin, is anyone upstairs?" you asked, pushing yourself into the conversation.

The oldest looked at you. "Hoseok is working on stuff for college. I think Namjoon said he was going to take a nap, but he always just ends up reading."

You kicked your shoes off before sliding off the stool before you ventured through the living room and up the stairs. The door to Namjoon's shared room was shut, so you proceeded quietly. You turned the doorknob as quietly as you could before pushing the door open. Once inside, you shut the door behind you and walked over to your brother's bed. Seeing as Namjoon was sleeping peacefully under his covers, you didn't bother calling out his name to announce your presence. Instead, you jumped under the covers beside him without waiting for an invitation.

"I hope you don't mind," you whispered, slipping under the covers and scooting close to him, careful to not wake him.

As if he was awake, Namjoon hummed in his sleep. You took the small noise as an "okay."

Later, when Namjoon woke up from his nap, he would find you snug under the covers beside him, nestled in his blankets just like how you would when you were little.


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