What were they like?

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ft. jimin's magical pee


"Did they fight any?" you asked, your leg swayed back and forth as it hung from off a bar stool. Your head was in your hand as you watched the second oldest swirl his spoon in his coffee.

Yoongi shook his head. "They were very happy with each other. If they did have an argument, they made sure it wasn't in front of any of us."

You nodded, thinking of another question to ask him. You had become interested in learning about your parents and you thought Yoongi would be up to help satisfy your curiosity. "I read that most parents can't find time for each other if they have kids."

"Well, kids do take a lot of time," Yoongi sighed, watching the little whirlpool in the middle of his cup. He wasn't even thirsty, but out of habit he started up a pot before he knew what he was doing. "Especially when a bunch of us were babies at one time. As kids grow, you don't have to loom over them since they're growing independent, but babies can't feed themselves."

"So their marriage was fine?"

Yoongi shrugged. "As much as it could be, I guess. I wasn't exactly a mommy or daddy's boy. I was just kind of... there."

"Did they not love you?" you wondered.

"That's not what I meant," he chuckled. "They loved me, of course, but I just didn't stick with the pack, you know? They'd all be coloring and I'd be working on a puzzle or something. I didn't really get all the inside scoop because of that. Whatever I heard was probably from Jin-hyung."

"Why did they have so many kids?"

Yoongi grinned. "Eomma and appa were both only children, so they thought they would give their first kid a playmate so they wouldn't be lonely. I was not a playmate, and I think they caught on to that when I started to bite at appa, even when I didn't have teeth.

"Eomma thought, 'Oh, we should have another kid because Yoongi is going to be a loner. Jin won't have anybody.' Then Hoseok came along. Next thing you knew, Namjoon was born along with several worries since he was WAY earlier than he was supposed to be. You see he turned out fine. Then, eomma said, 'We need a girl.' So appa said he would get her what she wanted but she instead got twins boys. Taehyung was really, really small and he was about shot but Jimin claims he used his sibling magic and save him, whatever that means. I honestly believe he just peed on him in the little incubator thing.

"After that was when it got a little rough. The doctors said eomma couldn't have another kid. Her heart wouldn't be able to handle it. But she said she'd only wait a while before trying again. She waited like she told them she would and when she got pregnant with Jungkook, she about made all those doctors quit. But Jungkook was fine and healthy so she said, 'Why not give it one last shot?'"

"But I was born six years after," you muttered, a little confused and little stuck on Jimin's magical urine.

"She had a few miscarriages," Yoongi answered, looking at you. "Those didn't stop her, though. Appa joked and said that she did it on purpose since they were all supposed to be boys."

Your eyes widened. "He joked about that?"

"They joked about a lot of things you wouldn't," Yoongi sighed, going back to stare into the mug in front of him. "It kept everything light hearted.

"After the third one, I think she got a little discouraged. Appa had already been looking at adopting a baby and they were talking about just going that route. But one night, eomma had a dream that she had a little girl, and when she woke up, she told appa and told him that they should try one more time. And she got her wish." Yoongi looked up from his coffee at you and grinned.

"How was I when I was baby?"

Yoongi bit his lip, looking off to the side. "You had a very precise schedule, almost like Hoseok did. During the night, you woke up every three hours. You ate pretty routinely and you rarely ever cried, but when you did, you made sure it was around me."

You snickered. "Of course. I had to make sure you were awake."

Yoongi rolled his eyes. "Anything else? I need to head over to a friend's in about fifteen minutes."

"I think my questions are answered as of right now," you told him, slipping off the stool as he did. He stretched, raising his arms up above his head. "When are you going to be back?"

"An hour or two," Yoongi answered. "I'll be back for dinner, so don't you dare try to steal my food."

"No promises," you giggled.


my senpai said my biology teacher was talking about me:

teacher: there's this girl in my biology two class. she's in honors and she has this big thing of colored pencils.

senpai: lexie??

teacher: i'm drawing a blank as to what her name is but she's really quiet and small.

senpai: lexie.

other friend: is her pencil pouch teal? (it's actually mint green coUGH; know your colors)

teacher: i told you, i'm not sure. *continues to talk about my 100 colored pencils*

Everyone envies my colored pencils lol

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