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You felt someone shaking you. You finally woke up and looked around to see Taehyung looking down at you. "Tae? What are you doing?"

"Do you want to go light fireworks outside with Jimin, Kookie, and I?" he asked quietly.

You looked at him, puzzled. "I guess?"

"Then throw some clothes on," he grinned. "We'll be downstairs waiting."

Once he left, you stumbled out of your bed and went over to your drawers. You threw on something you'd normally wear to volleyball practice and slipped your feet into your tennis shoes before quietly walking downstairs. You saw your brothers standing by the door to the basement. "I'm ready."

"We just have to get them," Jungkook said, the light coming from his phone's screen illuminating his face. He turned and jerked open the door and you were met with pitch black. Jimin reached inside and flicked on a light and you looked down the stairs.

"It's not bad, sis," Jimin reassured you as he skipped down the stairs, you and the other two following close behind. The basement was well lit and you realized you never went down here much anymore. You took in all the boxes stacked on each other and the other random objects placed carefully on shelves.

Jungkook searched through a few boxes before muttering and "aha!" You watched as he grabbed one and took out a brown paper bag. Little sticks were poking out of it and Jungkook sat it on the ground to look through it. "I wonder how old this stuff is."

"Appa said he got it when he was in college," Taehyung noted. "So probably really old."

"And they're still around?" You were in disbelief. You've just had this stuff laying around?

Jimin nodded. "I think the last time we got these out was when you were three. We set them off in the backyard."

A loud pop was heard and you jumped before glaring at Jungkook. "Hey, these work, too," he awed, looking into a little box. He grabbed something out of it and you watched as it looked like he was going to snap his fingers. When he did, the same pop rang out, followed by whatever his fingers were holding falling from his grasp. "They pop in your fingers. I was always scared of these when I was little. Yoongi would throw them on the ground in the dark where you couldn't see them."

He handed you one and you took it with shaky fingers. "Do I just snap it?"

"Pinch and twist," Jungkook said and you did as he told you. The familiar pop rang in your ears and you looked to see the little white package busted in your fingertips.

"We have my favorite," Jimin giggled, picking up another small box. "Sparklers."

"Are you kidding? We have bottle rockets?" Taehyung gasped. "Those things are awesome!"

"And firecrackers," Jungkook added. He then bundled up the bag and motioned for everyone to head back upstairs. "These'll wake the others for sure."

"If my squeals don't," Jimin snickered taking the stairs two-by-two.

You guys made it upstairs and you followed the boys out back. Jimin opened the box of sparklers and handed you one before taking the lighter in his pocket and lighting it. You had never held a sparkler or seen fireworks up close, so you were a bit timid when it started up. Jimin took one for himself and lit his from yours, and you both held onto the little sticks like children.

Taehyung found a bottle from one of your drinks and sat it on the concrete. You watched as he put one of the bottle rockets in and he took the lighter that was nearby.

"Do I need to stand back?" you asked, a bit afraid. Your sparkler was lighting up the ground around you, but it was about to fizzle out.

"You should be fine," Taehyung said as he flicked the lighter on. You watched as he held it close to the stick. It reminded you of a tiny version of the rockets in "Mulan." The flame caught the wick that was sticking to the side and you watched it climb up until the rocket shot up, popping in air above you and sending little sparks of light into the sky.

"Wow," you murmured.

"Or you do them like this." Jungkook took one and lit it and you feared for his safety. But he threw it up in the air and you watched it pop, the rocket shooting far away and exploding near the neighbor's house.

"Don't do that again," Jimin scolded, his voice sounding like Jin's.

Jungkook rolled his eyes. "Killjoy."

"The firecrackers are the worst out of these," Taehyung told you as he placed on between the crevices of the concrete. He lit one and you noticed him shuffle back and hold his ears. You did the same and watched it explode, flinging the paper casing near Jimin's bare feet.

"Those are loud," he whined. He clearly didn't take Tae's unspoken warning.

You guys stayed out for about twenty more minutes, lighting a few more and watched them explode. This would probably be labeled as one of your favorite summer memories.


me: i hate homework; omg, suck my toe homework

also me: i feel so empty without homework; whatever will i do with all this free time

have an extraordinary weekend my cherubs

One Sister, Seven Brothers, and Another Set of Memories {BTS}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora