Finals Week

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Requested by chaetaejin. I hope you like it and thank you for requesting!

this *hiccup* is *hiccup* the last one *sobbing :(*


It was that time of the year again – finals week. You were in the eighth grade, though, so you weren't as stressed out as Jungkook who was a senior or the four other boys in your family that were in college. The twins were sophomores in college, while Namjoon and Hoseok were seniors. And while those four were super-duper stressed out over the upcoming tests that could either make or break their grades, you noticed that Namjoon could easily win the trophy of being the tensest. Every time you saw him, you could've sworn he had a look of anxiety or impending doom etched onto his face as he continued to mentally prepare himself for the exams that he was constantly studying for.

"Take a break," you said after he announced he was going upstairs to study.

"I can't," he disagreed. "I have to make sure I do good on these tests or else I could fail and then what? Retake all those classes?"

You sighed and rolled your eyes. "You're the same one that told me not to stress so much over tests. I think you need to listen to your own advice."

Namjoon sat back down and gave you a dull expression that read "I really don't want to listen to you but I guess I have to."

"You're going to be fine," you reassured, sitting up from your spot on the floor below the couch. "Do you need any help? I can help you study, but it'd be later since I think you need to chill out for a while."

Your brother shrugged. "I have a few note cards made out but I doubt they'll help me. Kid, I really need-"

"No!" you shouted, slapping his knee. "You're not going back to studying until I say so or else your brain will explode and then I'll be sad because Kim Namjoon will be no more."

He chuckled at your silliness. "We can't have you being sad, can we?"

"Not at all," you agreed. "So what do you want to do? Oh, let's go for a walk! You need to get out of the house and breath some fresh air, not the smell of ink and old textbooks." You stood and grabbed your brother's hand, pulling him toward to get him to stand up. "Come on!"

"Okay, okay," he complied, standing up and walking over to the front door with you and slipping on some shoes that were discarded to the side. "And when I get back-"

"We're going to eat ice cream!" you interrupted, throwing the door open.

"Study," Namjoon disagreed, giving you an odd look, but you shook your head as you shut the door behind you two as you began to start your walk around the neighborhood.

"No, I'm pretty sure we have salted caramel ice cream in the freezer, not this 'study' ice cream you speak of. Besides, that sounds disgusting and if I knew it existed, I would yeet it out of said existence," you rambled, grabbing Namjoon's pinky to hold as you two walked along the sidewalk.

By the time bedtime rolled around, Namjoon went straight to bed without studying and you couldn't help but feel somewhat accomplished by seeing how at peace he was. And even though you knew he'd go right back to studying the next way, just knowing that you at least saved him going too overboard made you feel warm inside. You could take care of your brothers just as much as they take care of you, and that's final!



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