Noona (Part Seven)

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You felt your body shake before a quiet voice whispered a tiny "wake up" into the night air around you. You figured you were just dreaming and clenched your eyes shut, hoping that whoever wanted you to wake up would get the hint. However, they didn't, and you felt a hand gently shake you once more. You gave up and cracked your eyes open to see the bright numbers on your alarm clock read 4:18 – and it wasn't in the afternoon.

You rose and leaned over to turn your lamp on to brighten up your dark room with golden light. As the low light filled the room, you discovered the one who woke you from a perfectly good slumber – Hoseok. "What do you want?" you asked, your brows furrowing. You weren't upset, just very annoyed.

He noticed and gulped. "Um, c-c-can you help me with my math, noona?"

You gave him a confused look before blinking a few times. You looked at the clock before looking back at your brother before looking at the clock once more. "At four in the morning?"

Your brother looked embarrassed. His hair was messy and his eyes had dark circles around them. "I can explain. I just need help with one thing, I swear."

You looked back at the clock to see if it really was four in the morning just one more time before you sighed and rolled out of bed. "Okay, go to the study. I'll be in there in a minute." You watched as Hoseok scurried off out of your room and disappeared into the hallway. You debated on whether or not if you should fall back asleep again, but you decided that if you'd wake up for any one at four in the morning, it'd be the third oldest boy in the house.

"Be in there in a minute" turned into ten before Hoseok heard you shuffle inside the study. You had put your hair up in a messy bun and washed your face in hopes of waking up quicker, but you were still tired. Hoseok felt bad for waking you up and he was tempted to just give up on learning the material he was still clueless about, but the least he could do was make a good grade.

Last month, your parents had passed away in a car accident. Of course, it was difficult for all of you, but Hoseok was hit especially hard. He wasn't one of the youngest in the family, so he wasn't catered to as much as the twins or Jungkook. He wasn't upset about it, knowing that the little ones probably need the attention more than him. But, he also didn't want to worry you. You had been dealing with so many legal issues lately that he didn't want preoccupy you even more than you already were. Thus, it was necessary for him to make a good grade on his pre-cal final so you wouldn't get upset with him.

"I'm sorry, noona," he murmured, seeing you clean off the white board in the study. You hesitated at first, glancing over the doodles and notes already written on it to make sure that none of them belonged to your parents, but you picked up the eraser and wiped it all off. "I asked Namjoon about it and he tried to explain it for me but I still don't understand it."

"Is it just one thing?" you asked, walking over to your brother who held his math binder.

He nodded. "Yeah, and of course its something everyone else understands. But not me." He turned the binder to you show you what he was dealing with. He would have asked Jin, but the oldest brother also had a test in four hours, so he didn't want to disturb his beauty sleep.

You hummed, looking over your brother's nice handwriting to discover what he was troubled with. There were notes scratched in the margins in Namjoon's handwriting that didn't really make any sense to you. "Logarithms," you murmured before a grin appeared on your face. "Can I see your notes?"

Hoseok flipped to the notes he had taken in class and presented them to you. You skimmed through the material, familiarizing yourself with the math lesson you had learned so long ago. You ripped out a blank piece of paper and picked a problem out before sitting on the floor and quickly solving it just to make sure you remembered how to do it. And when you came up with the correct answer, you stood and walked to the whiteboard. "Okay, so I'll try my best to explain this the easiest way possible," you started, copying the original problem down. You the wrote the first step you took before you turned around and explained why you did. You repeated this until you made it to the end of the problem, circling the answer and hoping that you were good teacher at almost 5AM.

It clicked. Hoseok quickly rushed to jot down the notes since he could have them on the test, just not his completed homework assignments. He asked you a few questions to make sure he had everything before standing. "I'm sorry I woke you up, noona, but thank you for helping me." He came up and hugged you, his chin resting on the top of your head. He had a growth spurt this year – along with all your brothers – and you were quite upset at how big your little babies were getting.

"Don't stress out when you get in there, okay?" you lectured. "Just take a deep breath and focus on what you know. Your notes will be with you so check in case you're unsure."

He pulled away from the hug and started to gather his things to go back to bed for an hour or so. You went to leave, but you stopped at the door and turned back to see your brother gathering his papers. "Hey, Hoseok? You know regardless of what grade you get, I'm going to love you, right?"

Hoseok looked at you, confused. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, you don't have to make a perfect score to make me proud," you continued, giving him a small and encouraging smile. "I'm going to back to bed. See you in a couple hours." You left the study, trudging back down the hall as the first morning light started to peek through the windows.

And, despite feeling reassured that he didn't have to make a perfect score, Hoseok came home celebrating his 100 with a happy dance.


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