The Family Glue (Part Three)

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offended that you guys think i'm satan and would kill jin

breadginnie_04121992 : i didn't forget about you and i hope you like the resolve :) i know the fight wasn't a big aspect of the story, but i hope this part really wraps all that up.


Jin recovered after a week or so and was able to go back home where he belonged. Jimin made sure it was known that Jin should rest up and take things slow before he got back in the role of being the head of the house. So while everyone else filled in for him, Jin stayed in his bed, either reading or sleeping.

As for you and Taehyung, the main ones who caused the Kim family to divide, were working on getting things back to normal. Instead of talking face to face, you two always wrote letters to each other to explain how remorseful one of you was about a falling out. In your letter, you told Taehyung how it wasn't in your place to talk to him like you had and express your emotions in the way you had. "You've helped and supported me – I should do the same for you, even if I don't agree," you wrote. You explained how you didn't want him to leave and have something happen to him in a place that you couldn't reach. You didn't want him wandering too far from his family in case he got in an accident. "No one would be there to help you at the drop of a hat if something bad happened. We might not be able to get there fast enough."

Taehyung understood your reasoning and in his apology letter, he expressed how he was rude himself. "It wasn't right to act out the way I did. I shouldn't have yelled at you and instead kept a level head." He told you how he understood how you felt and that he would probably feel the same way if you were leaving to a different country with barely anything. He admitted that he would be scared for you like you were for him. "Please, take my words with a grain of salt. I didn't mean them. I love you and I care about you and you're not a stupid sister like I said. You're an amazing little sister with a big heart."

You two shared a long hug in the hallway upstairs, holding each other's letters in your shaky hands. "Forgive me," you whimpered, trying not to sob.

"Always," your brother answered, squeezing you tightly. "I hope you forgive me, as well."


One day while Jimin was keeping his oldest brother company as he ate, Jin asked him if he could bring everyone in for a family meeting. Jimin said he would and left to get everyone. One by one, all seven of Jin's siblings joined him in his room. You thought the tears would be over with, but seeing how Jin was still weak and how his skin looked pale and frail, your heart broke into a million pieces yet again.

"I wanted to tell you all that I'm thankful for your care," Jin began, sighing. "I'm sorry I caused you all this stress and anxiety."

"It's okay," Hoseok said. "We're siblings – we're here for each other when one of us isn't doing well."

"Don't make me cry," Taehyung murmured, but the waterworks was already beginning.

"I just didn't know what to do," Jin continued. "I... felt like I let everyone down and that you guys hated me and-"

"We could never hate you," Jungkook interjected. "You're our hyung."

"Oppa," you added, a small smile present on your lips as you looked at Jin.

Jin smiled back and it was good to see some presence of happiness on him. "Thank you, guys. I don't know what I'd do without you."

Those words seemed to start a chain reaction and suddenly Jin was in the middle of a group hug. "Get your hand off my butt," he heard Namjoon mutter to someone, which was followed by a snicker that most likely belonged to Jimin.

"Will you forgive us?" Yoongi asked, finally speaking.

And with the reoccurring theme, Jin grinned and looked at him "Always."


i hope you guys liked this series :)

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