Lunch Buddy

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Requested by TamN13. I guess you've changed your username, but I hope you see this! I hope you like it and thank you for requesting!


Jungkook gripped the handle of his lunchbox as he watched everyone scurry around in the cafeteria around him. For once, he was alone – and he was anxious. His eyes scanned the floor where everyone was bustling around. Many different voices and laughter mixed together in a happy concoction that filled his ears and made him feel alone. It was the first week back after Christmas vacation and all his friends were either sick or skipping. I have senior-itis, too, but I'm still here.

Jungkook had passed you earlier in the hall and asked if he could sit with you and your friends, despite already feeling awkward about being a senior boy sitting with the eighth-grade girls. From what you've told him, most of them fawn over him and every time one of them would talk to him, he'd just feel out of place.

He felt someone grab his arm and he looked over to see you standing beside him, holding your lunch box in one hand and his arm in the other. "My friends are waiting," you murmured, looking up at him.

"Do they know I'm sitting with you guys?" he asked once you both started on your way to the eighth-grade girls' lunch table. It was odd – most classes would have already split up into groups and everyone would sit in different places inside the cafeteria. Your class was still together, though. Probably because this year, there weren't that many in your class.

"No," you replied, keeping a tight hold on his arm. "Well, (Y/Best/Friend/N) does, but I think you expected her to find out." If there's anyone you'd tell anything to that wasn't named Kim Taehyung, it'd be your best friend.

You two soon came upon the lunch table your brother would normally find you at and a couple of your friends gave a small greeting toward your brother. You pulled an empty chair from another table beside yours and pulled it to the end of the table so your brother could sit. So this is what being head of the table feels like... I hate it.

"I didn't know your brother was joining us," one girl commented, eyeing your brother as he squirmed in the unknown setting.

"I didn't know either," you lied, not wanting her to ask her why you didn't let her know. You looked into your lunchbox at the different bowls that were filled to the brim with carefully made dishes. You frowned, though, and looked over at your brother. "Do you have an extra water? I think Jin forgot to pack me one."

Jungkook sheepishly opened his lunchbox, feeling embarrassed for some reason. He peeked in to see an array of bowls like you had, all lovingly made to perfection to satisfy Jungkook's hunger not just at school, but if he needed snacks earlier in the day or after school. He also saw two water bottles crammed inside and he grabbed one to give to you. "He probably couldn't fit it in yours," he stated quietly.

"Why are you acting so shy?" you asked in a whisper as your friends chatted around you. Your best friend was on the other side of your brother, glancing at him with a little concern.

"Yeah, you normally talk everyone's ears off when I'm over," she grinned before taking a bite of her granola bar.

"That's Hoseok," you giggled, earning a nod from your brother. "He can't shut up half the time, but we love him regardless." You grabbed Jungkook's lunch box and grabbed a bowl that had the same contents as the one you had opened from yours. You unlatched the lid and opened it, pushing it toward him. "Eat. Jin doesn't like wasted food."

He grabbed his fork and dug in, staying silent as you and your best friend chatted with mouths full of half-chewed food and stuffed cheeks. Despite there being a heavy cell-phone ban in your school, Jungkook always carried his around and he pulled it out and placed it on the table. He checked a few things as he listened to the voices around him, finally getting comfortable in his surroundings. You would sneak peaks at his phone and when you saw a SnapChat from one of your brothers, you stole his phone and took a cute pic to send instead of a black screen like your brother would always send.

"Namjoon didn't get up to tell me bye this morning so he hasn't seen me all day," you explained when Jungkook gave you an odd look. "You can't have a good day if you don't see me." Your friend rolled her eyes at your statement, Jungkook copying her actions.

When lunch was over, Jungkook cleaned up you two's trash and he walked to your locker with you since he had study hall this hour and he could afford to be late. "Thanks for letting me crash your party," he stated, opening your lockers for you.

"No biggie," you told him, gathering your things for your next class. "I enjoyed it. Even if you acted like you didn't know where you were."

Jungkook sighed. "I just felt out of place like I did, in fact, crash your party." He helped grab your things as you had your hands full with books already.

"Yeah, but like, you're the best party crasher," you stated matter-of-factly. "You're Kim Jungkook for goodness' sake."

He handed you your things once your ready and gave you small hug before walking off down the hall, bidding you a farewell until he saw you later once school was dismissed.


cutie pies~

have a wonderful weekend cherubs, even though every day feels no different than the others hehe

One Sister, Seven Brothers, and Another Set of Memories {BTS}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat