Bonding (Part Six)

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You had just turned one when your mom let Jin take care of you alone. Of course, either her or her husband would be somewhere nearby, but it was totally okay if you two were hanging out in his room or in the play room. Though Jin was only twelve, he was titled the mature one of his siblings. So today, Jin was taking advantage of this and you two were in the play room. You were having fun with your childish toys while Jin was working on his homework.

"Ugh!" Jin groaned, pushing the thick textbook away from him. "Stupid science! I don't even know why I have to take it! It's not like I'm going to be a doctor or anything. I'm going to be a rich businessman like appa!"

You continued to play with your toys, mumbling to yourself. "Like appa," you gurgled before slamming your hand down on a button and making the toy light up yellow.

Jin huffed, nodding at your statement. "Yeah. Like appa."


The Kim family was having dinner at the table that night when Jin was ranting about his hatred towards science.

"I don't need it, though!" Jin pleaded. "It doesn't make sense if I'm going to be a businessman like appa!"

"Like appa," you repeated as you stuffed some peas into your mouth. It was obvious that you weren't touching the carrots on your plate, so Namjoon was sneaking them off your plate and onto his beside you.

Your dad chuckled at your response. "It seems like you might be rubbing off on your little sister, Seokjin."

"It's kind of cute, but like, that's what babies do," Taehyung said, mainly speaking to himself.

"Is that why you always repeat me?" Jimin prodded. "Because you're a baby?"

"I'm not a baby!" Taehyung shot back across the table.

"You are too!" Jimin argued.



"Boys, boys," your mom sighed. "Settle down. Neither of you are babies."

"Like appa," you chimed in, grinning.

Jin just smiled at you from his seat, nibbling on the piece of chicken on his fork.


One Sister, Seven Brothers, and Another Set of Memories {BTS}Where stories live. Discover now