Birthday Surprise

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Requested by dearyoungkimin. I hope you like it and thank you for requesting ~


One dark and stormy night, something was troubling your brothers in the their sleep. A horrible nightmare was playing in each of their minds, playing the same scene of your death. It was tragic and caused some of them to wake in a cold sweat while others just tossed and turned themselves right off the bed.

In the morning before you woke, your brothers held a little family meeting in Jin's room.

"That's weird that you had the same dream I did," Namjoon murmured, looking over at Jimin.

"That was my dream, too, actually," Yoongi stated, still snug under his covers despite Taehyung trying to wriggle underneath them.

"Mine too," Jungkook said, his head on Jin's shoulder.

"And mine," Hoseok added, followed by Taehyung and Jin nodding and agreeing.

"Do you think it's some sort of bad omen?" Jimin asked, his chin resting on his hands.

Taehyung pouted. "Is princess going to die?"

"Oh please, I don't believe in that," Yoongi scoffed. "And even if there's not a logical explanation for it, I'm sure (Y/N)'s fine."

As if on cue, loud footsteps came bounding down the hallway and the boys expected you to come in like a thief in the night but instead, a loud bang was heard on the door followed by giggles. The door slowly swung open, revealing you rubbing your shoulder. "I forgot to turn to the doorknob."

"I heard," Jungkook snickered.

"What are we chatting about?" you asked, going to sit in Hoseok's lap on the floor. "Are we gossiping?"

"Yes," Jin agreed. "I've recently been told that Taehyung doesn't wash his hands after he poops."

"I do too!" Taehyung argued from under Yoongi's thick covers.

You giggled. "I was hoping for better gossip, but this will do I guess."

You later ran off after, feeling like you intruded on something and went downstairs to catch up on the show you had started. The family meeting was back in session and Hoseok scooted back against the door to prevent you from fumbling in again. "Do you actually think she's okay, though?" Jimin pondered, looking at the two oldest for some sort of reassurance.

"Well, no, because she just about gave herself a concussion trying to get in the room," Hoseok remarked, fumbling with the drawstring on his PJ pants.

"I'm sure she's okay," Jin said, beginning to get out of bed. "I don't want any of you to tell her about this, though, and worry her."

"I promise," Taehyung said, holding a pinky up.

"Me too," Jungkook added, copying Taehyung's actions. The others followed suit and promised that they wouldn't let their little sister know about the dreams.

"Hey, wait," Yoongi murmured. "Do you think that maybe now is the time to tell (Y/N) about the whole heir thing? She's getting ready to turn fifteen"

Jin shrugged. "We'll talk about it."


Throughout the following weeks, your brothers treated you nicer. Not that they weren't already nice or anything, but they tried to hang out with you more and talk to you about little things instead of playing on their phones. Some of them found themselves crying while they were treating you, and you'd desperately try to figure out why they were crying.

Soon, your birthday rolled around. You were anticipating what your brothers got you and when you woke in the morning, you kept looking to see if there were any cutely wrapped boxes anywhere. And to your dismay, you didn't see any. You decided not to say anything through breakfast and you knew they weren't ignoring you like last time since they wished you happy birthday and Jin presented you with your favorite breakfast dish.

When you finished your breakfast, you were getting super antsy. But before you could burst into a fit of questions, Jin told you to get ready since he was taking you somewhere.

Half an hour later, you found yourself heading down a familiar route. It was just you, Jin, and Yoongi in the car. You didn't say anything in the car, causing an awkward silence. That is until the car pulled up to a familiar place.

"We're at your work?" you asked, looking at the building to the oldest in the car.

"Of course," Jin said as if going to his work was a tradition on your birthday. "Come on, get out."

The three of you piled out of the car and stood on the sidewalk, observing the tall company building in front of you. "Like what you see?" Yoongi asked, looking down at you.

"I guess?" you responded. "What's so special about it?"

"Well, I thought you'd like this more than a bunch of silly little gifts," Jin said. "(Y/N), this is our parents' company. They built it and started it and now, it's the biggest company in all of Korea."

You looked at your brothers in turn. "I just thought they worked here."

"You aren't wrong," Yoongi chuckled. "They did work here. But they were humble and didn't brag about their success and wealth."

"So, what does this have to do with me?" you asked, confused.

Jin turned to you. "You're the heir to all this."

You looked at him strangely. "I am? But I was little when they died, how could they have-"

"No clue," Yoongi cut you off. "I guess they just kind of knew."

"But you told me that the head spot was for you." You turned back to Jin, desperate for answers.

"I'm filling in for you until you get old enough to take the job," he answered. "When you get the job, I'll go get me another one. You know I went to college to be a lawyer, not a businessman."

"Even though he wanted to be just like appa when he was little," Yoongi snickered causing Jin to roll his eyes.

Jin turned his back to the building to look at you fully. "I'm sure someone probably snuck off and got you something for your birthday, so I guess this gift if mainly from Yoongi and me."

"And eomma and appa," Yoongi quickly added. "You must've been a great toddler for them to give you their whole company."

"She was good," Jin said, defending your little self. "You're old enough to remember how well-behaved she was."

"I don't know," Yoongi smirked. "All I remember is her crying for her Yooni-oppa."

Jin huffed. "Okay, okay, I get it. You were the favorite. You can stop being such a brat."

"You're the brat," Yoongi remarked, hitting Jin's arm.

Jin shot his younger brother a look before they start play-fighting on the sidewalk, not caring if random strangers gave them weird looks. And even though you forgot to tell them thank you, you felt like they knew somehow.


if you guys keep requesting (y/n) to die or suffer some traumatic experience, i hope you're okay with me killing her off officially

Jk jk. But be careful :)

this has been a psa lol

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