The Mom Friend

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As awkward as it was when Jin suddenly became the "parent" of his seven siblings, he suddenly earned a spot at the mom table. When he'd go pick you or another sibling from a friend's house, he'd find himself sitting in the dining room having an intense talk with the friend's mom either about recipes or people at your school. And since he was considered as another "mom" at school, he was asked to be a chaperone on multiple occasions, but he preferred to be someone who helped make dinners for school functions (as long as you were involved).

During events, you'd normally see him in the line, scooping food to students and when you'd see him, you'd crack a joke and ask him if he could handle serving this many at home. He'd roll his eyes and lean forward.

"If these are the people you have to deal with all day, I can understand why you come home so annoyed," he'd murmur, seeing your best friend was listening intently, waiting for her portion to be plopped onto her plate. She giggled at the statement.

You sighed. "I don't have to deal with all them. Either way, they're still annoying."

"Some of them were polite," he'd continue. This was another reason he was invited to the mom table. He could gossip without having to tell everyone (or take a breath between sentences). "But if some of them were my sibling, I'd have to let them know who's in charge."

You and your friend laughed before moving down the line and greeting all the other moms that you knew well.

When the serving would be done, Jin would find you and come sit with you or ask if you needed anything else. You'd ask for dessert and then share it with him while you'd both be eavesdropping on the gossip the students were chatting about around you.

"Is this all you two do?" your best friend asked, grinning.

You shrugged. "When you have seven siblings, you're automatically gifted with the art of eavesdropping and spreading gossip."

"It's what keeps you on top of things," Jin added.

You went to ask if Jin could get you a refill, but when you turned, he was walking away with a few parents, looking like he had always belonged with them.

"Okay, so my mom will not stop talking about him," (Y/Best/Friend/N) picked up.

"Why?" You thought maybe she was talking about a crush.

"Jin!" she exclaimed. You had gotten her to stop using honorifics when it came to your brothers, and she agreed after Jimin told her that it was okay. However, Jungkook was an exception, since she claimed that he was scary.

"Why?" you giggled.

"She keeps asking me to ask you when he's free so she can have a mom-get-together or something. Like, she claims she won't have one if he's not there because she can't stand anyone else except him."

"Oh?" You smiled as you watched him talk with your classmates' mothers like they had been best friends for forever (which was true for some). "He really needs friends his age."


Happy birthday, Hoseok!

It's your special day today, so I hope you have a great time and get fed lots of yummy cake

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It's your special day today, so I hope you have a great time and get fed lots of yummy cake. If you don't have cake, just force your friends to make you one. That's what I do lol

You like, make me really happy lol

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You like, make me really happy lol. I don't know, but like, your whole aura is amazing even tho I've only seen you through a screen. You just make me giggle and wish I had you as friend.

My senior friend from last year, who is still one of my bestest of friends, reminds me of you

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My senior friend from last year, who is still one of my bestest of friends, reminds me of you. (And it's not just cause you're her bias). She's very outgoing and smiley and whenever I'm around her, I just get happy vibes and want to like, go get ice cream and walk around town or something.

 She's very outgoing and smiley and whenever I'm around her, I just get happy vibes and want to like, go get ice cream and walk around town or something

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I also love your sound effects hehe. they make me happy, just like everything else you do. (do you see a theme here??) I just want to wrap you in a blanket and feed you lots of chocolate and put on cute disney movies :) 

 (do you see a theme here??) I just want to wrap you in a blanket and feed you lots of chocolate and put on cute disney movies :) 

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So today, on your special day, I hope you are showered in lots of love and happiness like you do for me. I hope you get chubby from lots of good food and may the following year bring you lots of good memories and wonderful people. happy birthday, hobi!

 happy birthday, hobi!

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