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Requested by HappySoul1998. Thank you so much for requesting and I hope you like it!


Two years after your whole dilemma at the hospital over your check-up, you had to return to get more shots you needed for school. You were still terrified of doctors and most importantly, needles. You had a fit as soon as you saw the appointment scheduled on the calendar and you swore that you wouldn't let anyone take you. A few weeks later, though, Jungkook was dragging you out of the house to the started car.

"You've got to have this shot," Jungkook groaned, his arms around your waist. "Just like last time, I'm getting one, too, so you won't be the only one suffering."

"But I'm more important than you!" twelve-year-old shouted back. You were no match for Jungkook, despite you punching his arms and kicking his ankles. Your feet continued to drag against the concrete until the car door opened in front of you and you were tossed in. Jungkook quickly shut the door behind you and got in the passenger's seat.

"Please don't make this any harder than it has to be," Yoongi mumbled, rubbing his temples in the driver's seat. "I'm tired and hungry."

"Yeah, but you don't have to get a shot," you complained, buckling your seat belt.

You watched the scenery pass by your window in the back seat as the car went through town, right to the hospital. You gulped when the car was parked as you stared up at the tall building. Jungkook opened the door for you and you reluctantly slid out, your arms crossed as you walked with him and Yoongi inside and to the pediatric ward.

You three sat in the waiting room and you sulked in between your brothers as you waited for your turn. You were scared to get that shot, even though your brothers told you that it would be okay and nothing bad would happen.

"Uh, Kim Yoongi, may I speak to you?" the receptionist asked after a few minutes. Yoongi went up to the desk and talked a bit with the lady about whatever she needed to tell him. You hoped that it was about canceling your appointment, but sadly, it wasn't yours.

"Jungkook, your appointment isn't scheduled today. Jin got it wrong," Yoongi announced when he came over to sit again.

"Oh, really?" Jungkook stated in surprise. "That's good, I guess."

Your head to Jungkook. "You lied to me?"

Your youngest brother shook his head. "No, no I didn't."

"But you said you had to get a shot, too!" you shot back.

"I thought it was today, but it's not," Jungkook said. "I'm sorry."

Your brows furrowed at him before you turned away, not wanting to speak to him. Before you knew it, your name was called, and it was your turn to see the doctor.

You followed the nurse to the back, your brothers following close behind you. Once inside the little room, your brothers sat on the two chairs pressed against the wall while you were told to sit on the table and wait for the doctor. When the nurse left after taking your blood pressure and other things, you looked over to your brothers. Yoongi had his head in his hands, his eyes closed. Jungkook's nose was in his phoned, scrolling and scrolling endlessly. You saw that they weren't focused on you, so you tried to make your great escape.

You jumped off the table and ran to the door, but you felt something tug at your coat. "Come here," Yoongi demanded, his fingers clinging onto your coat tightly. His voice was stern, and you retreated from the door and over to him.

One Sister, Seven Brothers, and Another Set of Memories {BTS}Where stories live. Discover now