It's not Funny

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Requested by Kimtae___ and Y_O_O_K_I_E. You both requested similar things so I just combined them. I hope you're okay with that and enjoy the imagine!


Jungkook liked to nag you. A lot. Most of the time is wasn't anything drastic, just a little pestering here and there. But he found something that you made you really ticked, so he started to use that against you as much as he could. It was okay at first, and then it turned into something worse.

You had a lot of acne. It was something your mom had gone through when she was your age. And like her, it came and went. You would be pimple-free for a while before they hit you like a truck. Your face would become plagued with dots all over and you wouldn't be able to get rid of them for a month or two before they finally left. These pimples would usually be right where everyone could see them, and they weren't little, either. You hated them, and whenever they came around, you wanted to put a bag over your head and carry out your day like that.

Jungkook thought it was funny.

"You really think you're going to get a guy?" he smirked, watching as you put medicine on your zits. You looked at him in the mirror.

"What do you mean?" you asked, confused.

"With all that acne?" he chuckled. "You don't have a chance."

"It'll get better," you told him. You looked at yourself in the reflection and noticed all the big, red dots across your face. Maybe he's right.

"Oh, sure," he rolled his eyes. He went a step further. "Not to mention you're getting a little chubby."

"What's so bad about that?" you murmured, your self-confidence taking a beating.

He shrugged. This was all a joke to him. He had been teased like this when he was your age as well. Yoongi had actually made fun of his acne since Jungkook also had your problem and he had gained a few more pounds quickly before his school dance freshman year. Yoongi had meant it light-heartedly, though, because his dad joked about the same thing to him at the same age. "You're so set on going to the dance in a month. You think a guy is going to ask you if you look like that?"

"What's your problem?" you hissed, feeling tears bubbling up.

"I'm just joking," he defended. "Don't get so upset."

"'Don't get so upset?'" you echoed. "You know how self-conscious I am."

"I told you that I was joking," Jungkook said, regretting what he had said. "You don't look that bad."

"That bad?" You stood up, wiping your tears. "Thanks a lot, Jungkook. Without you, I wouldn't know how I look to other people. I can't help that I'm not perfect like you!"

Jungkook went to stop you as you stormed out of the bathroom, but he figured he had done enough. He watched as you ran out, crying. He sighed and watched as Namjoon came in. "What did you do this time?" Namjoon asked, crossing his arms.

Jungkook only sighed and hung his head, feeling all sorts of regret coming over him.


"You're not eating as much as you normally do, sis," Jimin commented as he looked at your plate beside him. There wasn't near as much as you would normally eat on there. "Not hungry?"

"I'm trying to lose weight," you replied bitterly. "Since someone told me that I was getting fat." You glared daggers at Jungkook, who forced down his food at a quick pace, so he could hurry up and leave the table.

"By who?" Taehyung questioned, concerned. Had someone been bullying you at school again?

"Just someone," you sneered, going back to look at your almost empty plate.

Jin took note of this and decided not to eat as much, either, so you wouldn't have to suffer alone. He started to take smaller bites, seeing as you were doing the same.

You decided to start fixing yourself by eating less and put yourself on a diet. You looked into how to take care of your skin better and set to work by washing your face daily. "I have to look good for this dance to show Jungkook that I can get a guy." But no matter how many times you told yourself that, you just didn't want to go to the dance anymore. You didn't bother with looking at dresses anymore and whenever someone said something about the dance, you immediately felt bad about yourself. Jimin had noticed and was waiting to ask you about this before the problem escalated. {Do you guys like how I'm starting to tie things together?}

Jungkook wanted to talk to you about his mistake, but he figured it was best if he didn't. Everything was awkward between the two of you now. When he would walk you to school before he went to college, he hung back from you. He felt that of he got too close, you would angry and yell at him. He deserved a good ear-full, in all honesty and he knew it.

You also hated not being able to talk with Jungkook like you had. You wanted to protect yourself from his hurtful words, though, even though you knew you were at an all time low. You figured that as soon as you opened yourself back up to him, he would only make you feel even worse about yourself.

That didn't last long, though.

"(Y/N), I'm really sorry," Jungkook said, walking into your room.

You didn't respond, but instead went back to reading your book.

Jungkook sighed but continued on. "It was really, really mean of me to say those things. I just wanted to nag you about it because that's what Yoongi-hyung always nagged me about when I was your age. You have the same problems I was facing."

"At least you let me know that I was getting fat before I went overboard," you snipped.

"You're not getting fat," Jungkook told you as he sat down on your bed. "You're perfectly fine. And so was I. I guess... I guess I'm so used to saying these things to the others who can take it that I never realized that you wouldn't be able to see the joke behind it."

"It wasn't funny to me," you said. "You really hurt me. I was already doubting myself, but you made it worse."

"I'm sorry," he murmured. "I'm really, really sorry."

"I shouldn't have been rude back," you apologized. "But you really deserved it."

"I know," Jungkook admitted. "Can you forgive me, though? I promise I won't make you feel bad about yourself anymore. I'll... I'll make you feel like you're the most beautiful sister in the whole world! Because you are."

You sniffled. "It'll take a lot more than that." You hugged him before punching him in the stomach. It wasn't hard, since you weren't that strong. "That's what you made me feel like."

Jungkook chuckled and tried to make it seem like you had hurt him, even though he barely felt a thing.


the ending was a little crap because i'm not exactly the best at writing heart-to-heart scenarios like that.

also, now you know that jungkook was part of the reason (y/n) didn't want to go to the school dance

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