Last Night

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You threw your pillow on Yoongi's bed, your eyes adjusting to the darkness rather quickly. You plopped down onto it and pulled the covers up to your nose. You heard Yoongi stir.

"Who's there?" he murmured, his voice groggy and you didn't answer until you felt fingers crawl onto your face. "Small nose, thin lips, terrible acne, and rather ticklish. Is that (Y/N)?"

You giggled, shoving his hand away. "Stop making me laugh. I'm supposed to be sad."

"Why?" he asked. His back was still you and you figured that he wouldn't face you at all.

"Because you're moving tomorrow," you sighed. "I don't want you to leave."

You heard him sigh, too. "I can't stay forever. You know that. The only one that's probably going to be hanging onto your leg for the rest of your life is Jungkook and I'd get away from that as soon as I could."

"I'm not leaving any of you guys," you replied.

"You're going to grow up, (Y/N)," he said before he yawned. "You're twenty-two and you're going to be out of college in a few weeks. You're an adult, so you have to do things yourself now."

"But I don't want to," you pouted. "I want to come home every day to you and Jungkook and get shoved around and yelled at as soon as I lay down for a nap. I wish the others were here, too."

"You'll have kids that'll do that soon enough," he dismissed.

"Yoongi," you called, looking over at the back of his head.


"You'll call, right? And check in? And come to important events?"

He rolled over and you couldn't make out his face in dark. You felt his fingers graze your hand and you let him guide your hand to his face. "Can you feel my smile?"

You patted his mouth. "No."

He shoved your hand away before attempting to do the same with your whole body. "If you're going to be stubborn, then you can leave."

You stood. "You promise, though."



"I promise, princess."

You cringed. "I'm twenty, don't say that,"

"Princess (Y/N)," he sang, mockingly.



i leave home in three years :(

and then i'll be a gross adult

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