Fatal School Shooting

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Requested by Youre-A-WIZARD-Isa

! Sad ; Separate AU ; Deals with school shootings !

The beginning will be a bit familiar, but i didn't want to copy and paste so I just developed the paragraphs better.


Jungkook felt the warm, spring sun hit his skin and heat it up. He panted, looking around at the gathering vehicles. His heartbeat pounded in his head and the blood on his shirt made his skin wet and sticky. Your last breath had been exhaled just seconds ago and you were a limp, lifeless body in his arms. Jungkook stared at the emergency vehicles and he swallowed. "I love you," he murmured, a single tear slipping down his face.

"Sir, are you okay?" a voice asked. Jungkook jumped before he realized it was a medic.

"Uh-huh," he said mindlessly.

The medic sensed his state of confusion and panic, so he decided to focus on you. "Is that a victim? Are they still alive?" However, Jungkook's eyes were focused on something past the medic as his eyes caught sight of a familiar black Suburban. He noticed a figure standing beside it, the driver's door ajar as the orange-haired figure gripped it.

And it clicked. This wasn't a dream. There had been a school shooting and you had tragically passed due to a bullet that had been lodged in your neck.

Jungkook's eyes darted back to the medic who kept glancing back and forth between him and your dead body. Jungkook began to shake his head rapidly. "No, no, no. Please help her. Please. She's my sister."

"Come over here," the medic commanded and he guided your brother to an ambulance. He had your brother lay you on a gurney that was already set up, but as soon as he and his other colleagues went to get you hooked up to some sort of life support, they realized that you were too far from saving. "Sir, I'm afraid-"

The medic turned to see your brother running off in the direction of the cars that were pulling up. Jungkook didn't know what to do. He only wanted his family. He knew that they'd know what to do.

Jimin's eyes darted from Jungkook's pained expression to the crimson stain on his white button-up and was concerned immediately. "Jungkook, are you okay?"

Jungkook grabbed his brother's shoulders and hugged him, releasing his tears into his older brother's neck. He hiccupped as he cried heavily, choking on his sobs every now and then. "She's gone, hyung. We got there too late. She's gone."

"What do you mean?" Jimin stammered, looking at his twin who had come with him. The others were going to stop by, but since the twins weren't doing anything, they reassured them that they'd see what was the matter.

"Where's (Y/N)?" Taehyung asked, seeing that you weren't with him.

Jungkook only continued to cry in Jimin's shirt.

"Jungkook, where's (Y/N)?" Jimin forced himself out of his younger brother's grasp to look at him. "Why isn't she with you?"

Jungkook tried to speak but his sobs choked his words out and he couldn't get it out. He just stood there, thinking about how pitiful and helpless you looked. He recalled the blood flooding down your neck and the terrified look you had in your eyes as you looked at him as if you were trying to tell him that you didn't want to die – that you wanted him to save you. "But I couldn't," Jungkook cried.

"Did... Did she not make it?" Taehyung thought before he looked at the people exiting the school.

"I'm sorry," Jungkook sobbed. "I couldn't save her. I got there too, too late."

The twins looked at each other, pain flittering through their eyes before they stepped forward to for a small group hug. "She's not in pain anymore," Taehyung murmured. "She's not hurting."

A car pulled up behind them and Jimin turned to see that a coworker of Jin's had given the others a ride in. And when they noticed the tears on the Maknae's faces, they realized that someone wouldn't be at dinner that night, or any other night to come.


again, separate au so you're alive and well

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