Anesthesia Awareness

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Requested by KimikoNara12. I hope you like it and thank you for requesting!

I've never experienced this, so if it's inaccurate, I'm sorry!


After you broke your arm when you were hanging out with Jungkook, you had to get surgery since it was a compound fracture. You were reassured that the surgery would go well, and you'd be okay. "You'll be asleep after the anesthesia," the doctors and nurses comforted. But during the surgery, you suddenly realized that you were still awake. You began to feel pressure in your arm where they were operating. You felt tiny moments of pain where it felt like someone was pinching you. This wasn't right. You weren't supposed to be feeling anything. You were supposed to be asleep. You wanted to tell someone that you were awake and to stop operating, but you just laid still. You wanted to call out or move, but your body wouldn't respond.

After the surgery was over, you were no longer "aware" and you were unconscious. Your brothers were assured that you were okay, but when you woke up, acting as if you just experienced the worst traumatic experience in your life.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Jin asked, seeing your panic.

"I-I-I was awake!" you exclaimed, very shaken up.

"What do you mean?" Namjoon said, coming to your bedside.

"I was awake, during the beginning," you stammered. "I felt them operate on it. I felt them move it and the pressure-"

"Are you sure?" Yoongi questioned. "That seems a little... far-fetched."

"Well, maybe the anesthesia didn't kick in until later," Jimin murmured.

Taehyung nodded. "Yeah, maybe they began before she was officially under."

You heard the door open to your hospital room and you saw a nurse enter. She smiled but felt the tension in the room. "Is everything okay?"

"I was awake!" you blurted out. "I felt them cutting into me!"

The nurse looked taken aback. "A-A-Are you sure?"

"We don't know for sure," Jungkook spoke up. "She just might have been dreaming."

You looked at him and shook your head. "No, no, no. I was awake. And I tried to call for help but I couldn't move or get anyone's attention. It was scary, oppa."

After your brother's got you to calm down a bit, with Hoseok taking you for a walk around the hospital to clear your head, the doctor came in a told the other about the rare condition called "Anesthesia Awareness." He explained what it was and what the patient might experience during the surgery.

"If she was actually awake, she might have indeed felt everything that she claims to," the doctor said. "Maybe even more."

After you were released to go home, the hospital sent your brothers back with the hope that you would soon get over everything and just brush it off. However, during the following weeks, you were plagued with vivid nightmares retelling you what you felt and what you heard during your surgery. You would wake up during the night time sweat-soaked and crying from the realistic dreams. But your brothers frequently checked on you during the night, so they'd often find you shaking and trembling beneath your blankets.

"Another nightmare?" Hoseok would whisper, wiping the sweat off your forehead with his shirt. You would nod and he'd sigh. "Well, that just won't do, will it? Hobi's dongsaeng doesn't need to have scary nightmares." He'd continue to imitate a monster before shaking his head. "Not good at all."

You'd wipe your tears, smiling faintly at his silliness.

"Why don't you come sleep in my room?" Hoseok suggested. He yawned, still tired himself. "My bed doesn't let people get nightmares."

You'd nod and he'd help you out of the bed before following you back to his room. He'd tuck you in and plant a kiss on your forehead before crawling in either Taehyung's or Jungkook's bed so you could have his bed to yourself. And the others treated you the same, ready to shoo away the remains of your terrible surgery.


i hope you liked it!

have a tremendous weekend!

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