Just a Movie

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Requested by JHopeGalaxy. I hope you like it and thank you for requesting!


On weekends when you went to bed, you were allowed to have your TV on. You always took advantage of this and when one of your brothers would get a midnight snack from the kitchen or go to the bathroom, they'd see the glow from your TV illuminating the crack underneath your door. You always had a wide selection of movies, composed of discs specifically given to you or ones that were stolen from around the house that you thought looked interesting.

One night, you were watching a movie titled "The Good Dinosaur." You had gotten it as a gift from a friend and one weekend, you popped it into your DVD player and hugged your pillow close as you watched the movie start. Everything was going good until the movie's atmosphere became dark and depressing when the main character's dad died. You realized you were crying and you tried to desperately wipe away the flood of tears running down your face. You sighed and paused your movie, getting up from your bed, sniffling, and making your way to the bathroom to wash off your face.

On the way there, you noticed the bathroom lights on. Normally, your family left a nightlight on in there, but seeing the whole bathroom illuminated made you walk at a slower pace and hope your face wasn't as red and puffy as you thought it would be. You walked in to see the door that led to the toilet closed and hoped that maybe whoever was occupying it had a bad case of diarrhea and wouldn't come out to see you desperately trying to fix your flushed face. You walked over to the sink that was the farthest from the toilet and quietly turned it on before splashing your face with the cool water. Just as you started though, you heard the toilet flush and the door opened before you could even process what was going on.

"Oh, what are you doing up, princess?" Taehyung asked.

"Uh, nothing," you mumbled. You quickly placed your fingers under the cool water and turned off the tap before discretely running your wet fingers under your eyes to try to relieve the puffiness. But Taehyung noticed because Taehyung always knows when something's up.

"Awe, what's wrong?" he questioned, coming over to stand by you. He could tell you had been crying. "A nightmare?"

You sighed. "The dad died," you quietly murmured, thinking he'd automatically realize that it was just a movie. But all he heard was "dad died" and he frowned.

"Do you miss him?" Taehyung asked, thinking you were talking about your actual dead dad.

You shrugged. "I didn't really know him that much, but it was still sad. The boy was so scared, Tae, and he drowned and then he was alone in the storm and you know how scary storms are, so I bet he was really scared."

Taehyung's eyes narrowed. Maybe you weren't talking about his dad. "Was it just a bad dream?" he asked, trying to get to the bottom of this.

You shook your head, beginning to cry again just thinking about the sad scene.

Taehyung seemed to be at a loss. "Was it... your classmate's dad?" There had been a lot of storms this month and a lot more flash floods had appeared, so maybe one of your classmate's parents had died in one of them.

You didn't answer and instead hugged your brother around his shoulders as he knelt in front of you. Taehyung patted your back before he squeezed you tight. And then something clicked.

"Hey, are you watching that movie your friend got you for Christmas?" Taehyung asked.

You nodded against his neck and Taehyung sighed. That's why, he thought to himself before he planted a kiss on the top of your head. "Well, movies like that only get better from there. Do you want me to watch it with you in case you get sad again?"

You nodded again and Taehyung grinned and picked you up. You legs instantly wrapped around his waist when you felt your body being hoisted into the air. "Well, let's go before I get tired and fall asleep half-way through."


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