Heaven and Hell Pt. 2

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Max lead Pamela down the stairs. "We're here!"

"Pamela, hey!" Dean greeted

"Dean?" Pamela called

"It's me. It's Dean,"



"Dean, is that you?"

"I'm right here,"

"Oh. Know how I can tell?" Pamela grabbed Dean's ass "That perky little ass of yours. You could bounce a nickel off that thing. Of course, I know it's you. The same way I know that's Sam, that's a demon, and that poor girl's Anna and that you've been eyeing Max's rack,"

Maxima raised an eyebrow at Dean.


"Hey, Anna. How are you?" Pamela asked as she went over to the redhead "I'm Pamela,"

"Hi," Anna greeted

"Max told me what's been going on. I'm excited to help,"

"Oh. That's nice of you,"

"Oh, well, not really. Any chance I can dick over an angel, I'm taking it,"


"They stole something from me." Pamela took off her sunglasses, revealing white eyes "Demon-y, I know. But they're just plastic. Good for business. Makes me look extra-psychic, don't you think?" she laughed "Now...how about you tell me what your deal is? Hmm? Don't you worry,"


"Nice and relaxed." Pamela told Anna as Anna was laid out on a bed with her eyes closed "Now, I'm going to count down from five to zero. When we're at zero, you'll be in a deep state of hypnosis. As I count down, just go deeper and deeper, okay? 5...4...3...2...1. Deep sleep. Deep sleep. Every muscle calm and relaxed. Can you hear me?"

"I can hear you," Anna said

"Now, Anna, tell me...How can you hear the angels? How did you work that spell?"

"I don't know. I just did,"

"Your father...What's his name?"

"Rich Milton,"

"All right. But I want you to look further back...When you were very young...Just a couple of years old,"

"I don't want to,"

"It'll be okay. Anna, just one look...that's all we need,"


"What's your dad's name? Your real dad. Why is he angry at you?"

"No. No! No." Anna screamed "No!"

"Calm down,"

Anna screamed, "He's gonna kill me!"

"Anna, you're safe,"

Anna screamed "No!" the lights exploded and the glass shattered.

"Calm down,"

Anna screamed, "He's gonna kill me!"

"It's all right, Anna,"

"Anna?" Maxima asked, walking towards Anna.

"Max, don't,"

Anna threw Maxima across the room.

"Wake in 1,2,3,4,5. Anna...Anna? You all right?"

"Thank you, Pamela. That helps a lot. I remember now," Anna said

"Remember what?" Sam asked as he helped Maxima up off the ground.

"Who I am,"

"I'll bite." Max sighed "Who are you?"

"I'm an angel. Don't be afraid, I'm not like the others,"

"I don't find that very reassuring," Ruby said, reminding the group that she was still amongst them.

"Neither do I," Pamela admitted

"So...Castiel, Uriel-they're the ones that came for me?" Anna asked

"You know them?" Sam questioned

"We were kind of in the same foxhole,"

"So, what, we're they like your bosses or something?" Dean asked

"Try the other way around,"

"Look at you,"

"But now they want to kill you?" Maxima wondered

"Orders are orders. I'm sure I have a death sentence on my head," Anna proclaimed

"Why?" Pamela asked

"I disobeyed...which, for us, is about the worst thing you can do. I fell,"

"Meaning?" Dean asked

"She fell to earth, became human," Max realized

"Wait a minute. I don't understand. So, angels can just become human?" Sam asked

"It kind of hurts. Try cutting your kidney out with a butter knife. That kind of hurt. I ripped out my grace," Anna explained

"Come again?" Dean asked

"My grace. It's...energy. Hacked it out and fell. My mother, Amy, couldn't get pregnant. Always called me her little miracle. She had no idea how right she was,"

"So you just forgot that you were God's little Power Ranger?" Maxima asked

"The older I got, the longer I was human, yeah,"

"I don't think you all appreciate how completely screwed we are," Ruby intervened

"Ruby's right. Heaven wants me dead,"

"And Hell just wants her. A flesh-and-blood angel that you can question, torture, that bleeds. Sister, you're the Stanley Cup. And sooner or later, Heaven or Hell, they're gonna find you,"

"I know. And that's why I'm gonna get it back,"

"What?" Sam asked

"My grace,"

"You can do that?" Dean asked

"If I can find it,"

"So, what, you're just gonna take some driving bong hit, and shazam, your Roma Downey?"

"Something like that,"

"All right. I like this plan. So, where's this grace of yours?"

"I lost track. I was falling about 10,000 miles per hour at the time,"

"Wait." Max said, "You mean falling, like, literally?"


"Like the way a human eye can see? Like a comet, maybe, or a meteor?"

"Why do you ask?"

Maxima ignored the question as she took out her cellphone and headed back up the stairs "I've got a call to make,"

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