Jus in Bello

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*A/N- There is language. I understand if you're wondering 'Why is she doing this?'. I just figured that if certain people do not like such profanity...they should be warned. Anyway that is all. Carry on and on with Jus in Bello*

I was sitting at my desk typing up some final notes "Agent Maxima Mulder,"

I stood up "Director Groves." I kicked Fox's desk as I saw him roll his eyes "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"You're coming with me and I'm bringing the champagne,"

I raised an eyebrow "I don't understand..."

"We're celebrating Agent Mulder...celebrating the capture of the Winchesters,"


I walked into the office behind Director Groves, of course the first person I meet was Agent Henriksen. "Steven!" he held out his hand but I only smirked as I instead handed him a stack of files. "What's all this?"

"What can I say? The FBI didn't invent bureaucracy; we perfected it," I retorted

"You want me to do all this now?"

"Now, Victor," I smirked as he glanced at Director Groves who only nodded.

"I'm gonna go take a good long gander at our fugitives,"

Henriksen sat at a desk and I handed him a pen "You're going to need this," we all looked up as we heard a scream.

"What the hell was that?" Officer Reidy questioned as we ran to the cells. Henriksen immediately pointing his gun at Sam who was holding Steven's gun.

"Put the gun down!" I shouted

"Wait. Okay. Wait," Sam claimed

"He shot him!" Officer Melvin proclaimed

"I didn't shoot him," Sam stated "okay. I didn't shoot anyone,"

"He shot me!" Dean shouted

"Get on your knees, NOW!" Henriksen ordered

"Okay, okay, okay. Don't shoot. Please. Look. Here. Here," Sam passed the gun through the bars "Look. We didn't shoot him." he met my eyes "Check the body. There's no blood. We did not kill him. Go ahead, check him,"

I leaned down and checked the body and looked at Henrikson "There's no bullet wound,"

"He's probably been dead for months," Dean groaned

"What did you do to him?"

"Henriksen, shut up!" I shouted "Can't you see the man's bleeding?!"

"Probably a suicide attempt,"

"My God, how did you get into this police force?!" I argued with the man "If it were it wouldn't be in the shoulder!"

"We didn't do anything," Dean argued

"Talk or I shoot,"

"You won't believe us,"

"He was possessed," Sam admitted

I looked up in shock as Henriksen only laughed "Possessed? Right. You sound as crazy as the Mulder siblings," I grinded my teeth at his statement towards me and my brother "Fire up the chopper! We're taking them out of here now,"

"Yeah! Do that!" Dean shouted at him

"Bill?" Officer Reidy called into the walkie, but all we heard was static "Bill, are you there?" Henriksen nodded towards him and he checked outside, the rest still pointing their guns at the Winchesters. "They're dead." he claimed from the other end of the walkie "I think they're all dead," he shouted

The Supernatural X-FilesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz