Death Takes a Holiday

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Dean tapped a button on the jukebox, then thumped the jukebox.

Sam was at a table, laptop open, talking on the phone. "No, no, no, you're right, it's definitely weird...Okay, Bobby, thanks," Sam put the phone.

Maxima came over "What's up?"

Dean sat down next to Maxima.

Sam started typing "Bobby found something in Wyoming,"

"A job?" Dean asked


Dean bit into a burger.

"Small town, no one's died in the past week and a half,"

"That so unusual?" Dean questioned

"Well, it's how they're not dying. One guy with terminal cancer strolls right out of the hospice. Another guy gets capped by a mugger and walks away without a scratch,"

"Capped in the ass?"

Sam's browser had two tabs open to the Greybull Gazette; the top tab had an article with the headline:

Shooting victim walks away unharmed

And the subheading:

Man miraculously survives after direct shot to the heart

The first paragraph read:

Police and medical authorities are struggling for an explanation as to why local resident James Jenkins was able to walk away from a point-blank shooting incident. After leaving Bison Bud's Bar, Mr. Jenkins and friend Pete Hensley were confronted by a mugger in a nearby alley. After a brief altercation, the mugger fired a shot from a 9mm Automatic, hitting Jenkins directly in the heart...

"Police say Mr. Jenkins was shot in the heart at point-blank range by a nine-millimeter," Sam explained

Dean kept eating, speaking with his mouth full "And he's not a doughnut?"

"Locals are saying it's a miracle,"


"It's got to be something nasty, right?" Max suggested "I mean, people making deals or something,"

Dean considered it "You think?"

"What else would it be?" Sam asked

"I don't know,"

"All right." Sam put his laptop in his bag "Get that to go,"

Dean looked down and didn't move.

"Come on." Maxima leaned down close to Dean's ear "And don't forget about the dessert,"

"How about we skip the case and have dessert now?" Dean challenged

"Rule #1 Winchester: Never hunt alone,"


The Impala was parked outside Jim's house. "Now, you two said you were bloggers?" Jim asked.

Sam and Dean were sitting at Jim's dining room table.

Jim sat down across from Sam.

Jim's wife and daughter were visible in the next room.

"Yes, sir. Floored by the Lord dot com," Sam claimed

"All of God's glory fit to blog," Dean grinned.

"Um. Some of the people around town are saying what happened to you was a miracle,"

"It was. Plain as day," Jim said

"How can you be sure?" Sam questioned

"How else do you explain it? The Doctor can't. There's a bullet in my heart, and it's pumping like a piston,"

"Wel, how do you explain it?" Dean asked

Jim hesitated. He looked over at his daughter "Look, honestly. I was nobody's saint-not exactly father of the year, either,"


"But when that guy shot me and I didn't bleed a drop? I just knew the Lord was giving me a second chance,"

"That so?"

"I had this feeling-like angels were watching over me. I wouldn't expect you guys to understand,"

"Well, we'll just have to try,"

"You wouldn't have happened to have swung by a crossroads in the past week or so?" Sam questioned


"Maybe you met someone? With black eyes? Or red?"

"Who's you guys say you were again?" Jim asked

Dean looked over at Sam "Never mind. Thank you for your time,"


Dean was sitting at a table on the laptop, reading a news article.

Maxima opened the door and came in "Hey," she closed the door.

Dean looked up "Anything?"

Max came over "That cancer survivor? He was clinically dead, his wife pulled the plug, and now he's taking her out for their twentieth anniversary,"

"Any sign of a deal?"

"No. What about you? Found anyone dying around here?"

"Not since Cole Griffith," Dean was looking at the obituaries in the Greybull Gazette. He clicked on the picture of Cole Griffith to enlarge it. "He dropped ten days ago. It was the last death I could find,"

"So, what are you thinking?"

"Eh, maybe it is what the people say it is," Dean moved his chair back so Maxima could sit down.

"Miracles? Dean, our experience, when do miracles just happen?"

"Well, there are no deals. There's, uh, no skeevy faith healers. I mean, these souls just ain't getting dragged into the light,"

"Maybe 'cause there's no one around to carry them," Sam suggested

Maxima and Dean both turned to look at the youngest Winchester.

"What do you mean?" Dean asked

"Well, grim readers... that's what they do, right? Schlep souls? So, if death ain't in town..."

"Then nobody's dying." Maxima finished.

"So what?" Dean questioned "The local reaper's on strike? Playin g the back nine? I don't know, Sam,"

"Well, then, let's talk to somebody who might,"

Maxima moved herself closer to Dean "I'm not in the mood to talk to him at the moment,"

"No, Max, the kid,"

Maxima raised an eyebrow "Did you miss the point in our conversation where Dean said that the kid is dead?"

"Exactly. Look, if he was the last person to die around here, then maybe he's seen something. We should talk to him,"

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