In the Beginning Pt. 5

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"We have to kill this thing now, or Mary dies," Dean explained back at the Campbell home.

"What? How do you know that?" Samuel asked

Dean pulled out John's journal "I just do, okay?"


"I don't know, maybe today, probably years from now, but it's happening, trust me,"

"So what, are you some kind of a psychic now too?"

"No. Alright, listen to me," Dean went to the table and sat down next to Samuel "Now, this is gonna sound a little...actually it's gonna sound massively, massively crazy,"

"Okay," Samuel said

"Mary is my mother,"

"Excuse me?"

"And I am your grandson, and I know what the hell I'm talking about,"

Samuel looked at him in disbelief. "You wanna run that by me again, son?"

"My real name is Dean Winchester. I was born January 24th, 1979. My parents are Mary and John Winchester,"

"I don't have to listen to this,"

"Mary gets killed by a yellow-eyed demon in 1983, and I think that is what happened tonight-I think this is the moment he caught her scent. Now, if we don't catch this thing now, and kill it, and it gets away? Then Mary dies. So I am asking you, please." Dean could tell Samuel still didn't believe him "How did I know about the Colt? Huh? How did I know about the Yellow-Eyed Demon? Or where it would be? I'm not making this up, Samuel,"

"Every bone in my body is aching to put you six feet under, but there's something about you and that girl I can't shake it. Now, I may be crazier than you, son, but I believe you,"

"Thank you,"

"I mean, how do we find this bastard?" Samuel asked

"Right here, the list." Dean opened John's journal

"And with the Colt?"

Dean pulled the Colt out of his jacket and put it on the table "Yeah,"

"Here, let me see it," Samuel said

Dean hesitated and then moved it further away from Samuel. "Sorry, I don't let anybody hold it,"

"I'm your grandfather,"

"Nothing personal,"

"Sure it is, especially when it's me you're trying to kill," Samuel's eyes turned yellow. The Yellow-Eyed Demon raised his hand and the chair that Dean was sitting in slammed against the wall. Dean glared but was unable to move. "Future boy, huh?" The Yellow-Eyed Demon walked over to Dean "I only know one thing that's got the juice to swing something like that. You must have friends in high places. So, I kill your Mommy? That's why you came all this way? To see little old me?"

"Oh, I came here to kill you," Dean said

"Hey, wait a minute, if that slut Mary's your Mommy, are you...are you one of my psychic kids?" The Yellow-Eyed Demon leaned in and sniffed Dean "No, not you. But the girl...Maxima..." he looked at Dean's expression "She is, isn't she? That's terrific, means it all worked out. After all, it's why I'm here,"

"So that's what this is about, these deals you're making. You don't want these people's souls,"

"No, I just want their children. I'm here to choose the perfect parents, like your Mommy,"

"Why her? Why any of them?"

"Because they're strong,"

Maxima and Deanna peeked around the corner of the kitchen doorway and saw what was happening.

"They're pure, and they eat their Wheaties. My own little master race-they're ideal breeders," The Yellow-Eyed Demon explained.

Dean furrowed his brow.

"Oh, get your mind out of the gutter. No one's breeding with me. Though, Mary? Man, I'd like to make an exception. So far, she's my favorite," The Yellow-Eyed Demon said

Dean looked furious and tried to move, but couldn't. Maxima watched from the next room "So why make the deals?"

"I need permission,"

Maxima came quietly into the room.

"I need to be invited, into their houses, I know, I know, the-the red tape'll drive you nuts, but in ten short years, it'll all be worth it. 'Cause you know what I'm gonna do to your sibling? I'm gonna stand over their crib and I'm gonna bleed into their mouth. Demon blood is better than Ovaltine, vitamins, minerals-it makes you big and strong," The Yellow Eyed Demon explained

"For what? So they can lead your discount army? Is that your big plan?" Dean asked

"Please, my end game's a hell of a lot bigger than that kid,"

"Endgame? What end game?" Dean asked

"Like I'm gonna tell you, or those angels sitting on your shoulder," The Yellow-Eyed Demon quipped "No, I'm gonna cover my tracks good,"

"You can cover whatever the hell you want, but I'm still gonna kill you,"

"Right. Now that, I'd like to see,"

"Maybe not today, but you look into my eyes, you son of a bitch, 'cause I'm the one that kills you,"

"So, you're gonna save everybody, is that right? Is that it? Well, I'll tell you one person that you're gonna save," The Yellow-Eyed Demon took out a knife. "Your Grandpappy," he winked and plunged the knife into Samuel.


"No!" Deanna exclaimed

The Yellow-Eyed Demon went for Deanna, while Dean struggled to free himself. The Yellow-Eyed Demon went to send Deanna flying back into the kitchen, but before he could go after her he was stopped, looking to the side he saw Maxima holding her hand out.

"Max!" Dean exclaimed

The Yellow-Eyed Demon smirked as he walked towards Maxima "You're tough, kid, but can you keep it up?"

Maxima glared the Yellow-Eyed Demon down, blood coming down her nose, as she continued to fend him off until she let out a scream and was flung backward.

The Yellow-Eyed demon went into the kitchen to see Deanna trying to crawl away, and broke her neck.

Dean grabbed the Colt and rushed in to find Maxima on the ground, and the Yellow-Eyed Demon gone. "Mary...Mary!"

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