It's the Great Pumpkin, Pt. 3

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Sam, Dean, and Maxima hurried into the Mausoleum, running down the stairs.

Maxima looked at Dean and the people locked in the room "Help them,"

"Max, you're not going off alone,"

"Do it!" Maxima ordered as she ran after Samhain and Dean looked after for a second, but looked back at Sam.

"Go!" Dean ordered

Sam nodded and ran after the federal agent.

Dean looked back at the teens motioning for them to move. "Stand back! Stand back!"

The teens moved away from the gate and Dean shot the lock and kicked the door open to let them all out.

"Go on, come on, get out, move!" After the teens all rushed past him, Dean watched as a door of a grave in the mausoleum room crashed to the ground and broke.

A zombie crawled out of it and stood up as another grave door crashed to the ground and the zombie in the next grave over started to crawl out as well.

Dean pulled out a weapon as the second zombie got up and held up what looked like a silver stake. "Bring it on, stinky,"


Maxima and Sam were walking through the mausoleum looking for Samhain. They turned a corner and saw Samhain in a room facing the far wall.

Sam tried to walk up to him silently, narrowing his eyes at the demon.

Samhain turned around suddenly and threw up his arm, and a bright white light came out of it. It dimmed, however, and Maxima appeared in front of Sam, holding her own arm up.

"Yeah, that demon ray gun stuff?" Maxima explained "It doesn't work on us,"

Samhain ran at Maxima, and Sam threw an uppercut punch and they fought. Samhain finally pushed Sam against a wall by his neck, getting the upper hand.

Maxima managed to get the knife that Sam dropped, and tried to stab Samhain, and when it started to cut into his skin, it sizzled and Samhain pushed it out Maxima's hand and hit her into the wall across the room.

Samhain moved to choke Sam, only to find his other hand frozen in place, turning around he saw Maxima using her psychic power to stop him. Samhain struggled against Maxima, but she managed to keep him from advancing too much.

Dean came running around the corner and saw Maxima using her powers. Dean's face fell.

Maxima saw Dean over the shoulder of Samhain but continued despite her nose starting to bleed. Finally, Maxima exorcized Samhain as her nose continued to bleed. Once Samhain was out of the body, Don's eyes turned back to color. Maxima met Dean's stare only to feel herself fall, Sam quickly acting fast to catch her before her head hit the ground.


Maxima was packing clothes into her duffel bag.

"Tomorrow," Uriel said

Maxima didn't even jump at the sound of Uriel being in her room. She didn't even bother to look up, but Uriel knew she was listening by the balling of her fists.

"November 2nd, it's an anniversary for you," Uriel continued.

"What are you doing here?" Maxima voiced

"It's the day Azazel first began giving you his blood, also the day your sister Samantha got abducted. It must be difficult to bear, yet you so brazenly use the power he gave you. His profane blood pumping through your veins," Not wanting to hear any more Maxima turned briskly around,

"But it's not just Azazel's blood that flows through me..." Maxima looked Uriel in the eyes "is it?"

"You were told not to use your abilities," Uriel said, disregarding Maxima's original question

"And what was I supposed to do? That demon would have killed Sam, and Dean and everyone,"

"You were told not to,"

"If Samhain had gotten loose in this town-" Maxima realized she was speaking to blind ears "You know? Dean was right about you, you are dicks," she jumped when Uriel came towards her.

"The only reason you're still alive, Maxima Mulder, is because you've been useful. But the moment that ceases to be true, the second you become more trouble than you're worth, one word. One, and I will turn you to dust." Uriel backed off allowing Maxima to return to her packing, but she flinched as she felt Uriel still behind her. "And no...Azazel's blood is not the only thing that flows through your veins,"

Maxima turned to ask another question, only to find her motel room once again empty.

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