On the Head of a Pin [3]

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Dean was in a hospital bed, heavily bandaged with a breathing tube and an IV drip.

Sam sat next to Dean.

Castiel appeared at the doorway, he paused before continuing down the hallway.

Sam followed Castiel out of the room.

"Sam..." Castiel started

"Get in there and heal him." Sam demanded "Miracle. Now,"

"I can't,"

"You and Uriel put him in there..."


"...because you can't keep a simple devil's trap together,"

"I don't know what happened. That trap...it shouldn't have broken. I am sorry,"

"This whole thing was pointless. You understand thas=t? The demons aren't doing the hits. Something else is killing your soldiers,"

"Perhaps Alastair was lying,"

"No, he wasn't," Sam went back to Dean.

Castiel continued walking through the hallways until he came into the waiting room where he saw Maxima sitting in one of the chairs, looking down at her hands. "Are you all right?"

"No thanks to you," Max scoffed

"You need to be more careful,"

"You need to learn how to manage a damn devil's trap,"

"That's not what I mean." Castiel sighed "Uriel is dead,"

"Was it the demons?"

"It was disobedience." Castiel admitted "He was working against us,"

"What am I?" Maxima spoke up causing Castiel to truly look at her "Alastair...Alastair, he had his chance to kill me...but instead, he told me...he told me that I should be grateful that I'm needed alive. So tell me, because I know it's not just Azazel's blood in mine. Or else why would Azazel watch me so closely and not the others?"

"When we discovered Azazel's plan for you, we fought our way to get to you before..."

"Before he transformed me,"

"We were too late,"

"When did you figure out you were too late?"

"I don't know,"

"Bull." Maxima snapped "When?"

"November 2nd, 1973," Castiel admitted

"It was you," Max realized

"Maxima, I'm..."

"It was you! You're the reason my sister disappeared!"


"Where is she?!"

"I don't know. Maxima, they don't tell me much. All I know is our fate rests with you,"

The Supernatural X-FilesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora