Chapter Twelve: I Will Never Forget My True Love

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It had been three weeks since Michael passed away and I was getting ready for his funeral. I didn’t know how I was going to get through that day. I had my family, his family and our friends by my side. But I just wanted Michael right here with me. Hopefully Michael will be looking over and listening to today’s service. I even had to write a speech for him but I don’t know how I was going to read it out as even Michael’s name brought tears to my eyes.

   We got to the church early so we got greet everyone. I couldn’t deal with everyone saying “Sorry for your loss.” And “always here for you”. I just didn’t want to make a fuss out of it. I wanted to pay my respects to Michael and say my final goodbye.

   The service was short, but before I knew it, it was my turn to give a speech.

“Hi Michael, I feel a bit stupid if you’re not listening to this. But here I go. Michael Peace, my best friend and my boyfriend I have so much to say, but I’m only going to say the basics. The night we fell in love was perfect. When we finally got together everyone was jealous that I, the shy girl of the college is with the popular football player. Remember when I tutored you? Guess what? It paid off, you got a B+ in Biology, I’m so proud of you. That argument we had, we promised we would have no more and we never had an argument since. I won’t go into any more detail as I guess no one really wants to hear about our love and so on. But Michael never forget that I love you and I’m missing you loads. Reading this with tears in my eyes is the hardest thing to do. Michael you hated it when I cried, why did you have to go so soon? Then maybe I wouldn’t have to cry! I’ll see you soon gorgeous. Goodbye Michael Peace.”

I ran off to the toilets to sit and have a cry, I didn’t realise reading that would make me this upset. I really don’t know what I’m going to do anymore. I’ve lost Michael. The only person who put up with everything from me. The boy who took time to know the real me when others wouldn’t. I can’t forgive myself for this. It hurts so much to even think of him. And I even have daily reminders of him. The Biology books, our pictures, the movies, that restaurant, seeing his mates about. I even went to university to study his subject; Sports without him. I will never forget my true love.

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