58. Ashes to Ashes

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Being with Dahlia was a hell of its own, but I'm a Mikaelson. I'm a warrior. I'll always get back on my feet.

February 19, 2013

New Orleans, Louisiana

The Backroads/Pale River Orchard

It was barely dawn, the birds were chirping and the air was brisk. A bit of fog acted as a blanket for the ground, and the sun was giving the sky a small bit of light before it peaked above the horizon. In the woods, Dahlia walked along the path to a clearing, where a table was. Behind her was her great-niece, who had been silent, and looked only at the ground where she was stepping until they had reached the clearing and a road. 

"What're we doing here?" Poppy asked, adjusting her jacket. 

Dahlia looked at her. "Your father should be joining us soon. Until we get your baby sister with us, you have to remain here." With a small motion of her fingers, which she held up, Poppy's necklace was ripped off of her neck, flying to Dahlia. 

"Hey!" The tribrid exclaimed, her hand moving up to where her necklace had been. 

The witch turned to face her. "It's important that I understand the strength of your magic, Poppy." She spoke a quick spell, and she watched as her niece began to take deep breaths, almost as if she couldn't breathe, which was expected; she had spelled her to panic. "Under a great amount of stress, your magic will take over." 

Poppy gasped for air, her head pounding in pain. "What're you doing to me?!" She asked, tears stinging her eyes. She cried out in pain and fell to her knees, blood dripping from her nose. "Make it stop, please!" 

Dahlia looked around them at the trees, which began to sway quite a bit with a new wind. Poppy's magic. She looked back at the tribrid, who was crying, and the grass around her was becoming frozen. 

"I will be back in time, my dear." She said to the girl before walking away, ignoring the cries. 

"No!" Poppy yelled. "Come back! Come back!"

February 20, 2013

New Orleans, Louisiana 

Pale River Orchard 

The day had come and gone, the weather had become stormy and thunderous, flashes of lightning cracking across the sky. In the day the skies had become clear. And, once again, the sky was dark, not quite morning yet, but also not night. 

Poppy laid in the frozen grass of the clearing near the table and the road, her eyes closed, and blood soaking her lips and chin, and underneath her nose. Her breathing was panicked, but she wasn't awake, consumed in a vision, flashes of images and audio, screams and blood, fire and snow. 

At one point, a truck had pulled up, but it hadn't done anything else. It simply sat there, a baby in the backseat. 

A man, Klaus, approached the vehicle, not noticing his eldest daughter laying in the field. He opened the back door and smiled at the baby, who sat in her seat quietly. 

"Hey, Daddy's here!" He exclaimed quietly. "It's all gonna be okay, I promise."

Dahlia, who stood behind him, peered over his shoulder, "And there she is." She said, and she realized she had come off too strong when Klaus paused and looked at her, almost standing in front of the baby to protect her. "Such a beautiful child..like her sister." 

The witch looked back at the field, where Poppy laid, and walked to her, kneeling down. The grass beneath her was frozen and a deep red. Klaus sped over after putting Hope, who was still in the car seat, in the open back of the truck. He frowned at his oldest's state, and he placed a hand on her cheek, furious obviously but trying to keep his cool. 

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