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"Did I do something wrong?"
Bella Croft
February 20th

After Ryder and dad had gone home i felt sadness again but at the same time I was happy they came to see me.

Other than that life was okay. I had been going to the school on schedule, expiring the great country of France and just being happy. I was living in the moment.

My colour storms weren't going to stop me from having fun.

It was Saturday today and Kendall's and Meg's partners were flying in and they were going on a double date which was adorable. In the back of my mind I envied them for having what I wanted, my plan to love myself wasn't really working.

"Hey Bells, What're you doing tonight?" Josh asks leaning against the door frame. He had sweats on and a towel around his shoulders. God he looked amazing.

"Nothing I guess" I shrug. "Well do you want to go out for dinner? In a non-date kinda way?" He chuckles walking in.

"A non date sounds perfect" I nod chuckling. "Well dress fancy Miss Croft and I'll pick you up at your door" he laughs then walks away shutting the door.

I close my eyes for a second then dart up starting to get ready. Dress fancy, fancy? As in a dress.

Maybe I looked extra but why not? I'm in a country with random people who I'll never see again. I did my makeup naturally with a dark lip and hair was just straight. As for my outfit it was a plunge neck line, long black mesh dress with white prints all over it. It was showy but why not?

I put on some jewellery and perfume then josh knocked on the door. I quickly put my heels on walking to the door.

He looked so handsome. A black shirt that had the three top buttons undone showing his gorgeous caramel skin. His shirt was tucked into a black slacks which showed his ankles and he wore black oxford style shoes.

"Ready?" He asks pulling out his arm. I nod linking my arm around his strong upper arm.

"Where are we going?" I ask as he leads me outside. "The par la rivière, it means-"

"By the river" I finish. "It's beautiful, we'll have a table for two say on a balcony, luckily it's warm tonight. There's twinkling fairly lights around the whole place, the food is amazing. You'll love it" he tells me.

"How do you know about it?" I ask.

"My mum took me here when we visited last year" he opens the car door for me then scoots beside me. He tells the driver the place and we're off.

I felt weirdly happy. Everything was perfect right now.

Once we arrived josh took my hand and led me up some wooden stairs and my eyes widened.

"sa belle" I gasp.

"je suis d'accord" he chuckles quietly. We get taken to our table and it was just like he described except the words didn't do it justice. The place was perfect.

We quickly order and the food arrives. We talk and eat, josh was hilarious, he knew how to put a smile on my face and he had amazing story's wether it be about his childhood with his five other brothers or about in the ring when boxing, he was great with his words.

"We can go stand there if you want" he stands up. I nod taking his hand and he leads me near the edge of the balcony to look over the river which reflected the moon light.

"monsieur, puis-je avoir une bougie s'il vous plaît" josh asks a passing waiter.

"What do we need a candle for?" I ask him. "We can light one and make a wish then let it drift off on the river" he explains and takes the candles and matches. "Come" He takes my hand leading me closer to the river bank.

He lights up the candles then hands me one. "Make a wish then put it in the river" I nod doing as he says.

I crouch down closing my eyes. A wish? What do I wish for?

I take three deep breathes then let my candle go and stand up beside josh. "It really is beautiful" I sigh looking around.

"It is" he nods. He wraps an arm around me and I let my head rest on his shoulder.

"I'm glad I met you Bella, you-"

His phone rings from his pocket cutting him off. "Sorry give me a second" he chuckles nervously, he picks up his phone and walks away leaving me with my thoughts.

I only have a few weeks left here then it's back home and I couldn't decide if I was happy about it. France will always remind me of my healing.

"Bells we gotta go" josh runs back. "Is everything okay?" I ask taking in his worried expression. "Chloe just said to bring you back. It's urgent" he says.

He takes my hand and we get in a taxi heading back. "What's going on?" I ask him placing my hand over his. "I'm fine Bella, it's you. Kendall called and normally she sounds so strong but she sounded... upset, she said Chloe needs to see you immediately" he explains.

We get out the car and I stop him before we step inside the house. "Josh?"

He grins back looking at me. "Did I do something wrong?" I ask.

"God no Bella, everything's gonna be fine. I'm here for you. We all are" he leans down and presses a gentle kiss to my forehead.

I breath in deeply then take his hand walking in. Everyone was sat around the living room, it was odd seeing such a lovely group of people look so dead.

And just like that a beautiful night had changed.

"Bella one of your emergency contacts called" Chloe walks up to me taking my hands.

"Let's talk somewhere private" she says gently. I nod following her to one of the rooms, I look back and meg sends me a warm smile.

I only had three emergency contacts.

Dad, of course.

Shawn, I never took him off the list as I didn't have the time.

And miss porter, she was like a mother figure.

Colour Storms: Shawn Mendes ✔️Where stories live. Discover now