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"He's lying"
Bella Croft

"Honey did you take your pills?"'dad asks me. I nod slumping down on the stool. "Are you sad Bella?" Ryder asks me. It only made me cry even more.

My tears were hot and running constantly down my face. "Oh Bella" dad walks over to me and traps me in a hug. "What happened?" He asks.

"Sha- he broke up w-with me"

"I'm so sorry Bella, was it because of dinner last night? Because I'll go to him myself and sort him out" dad threatens.

"It's okay daddy. He doesn't love me" I look up wiping my eyes. "That's impossible, I've seen how he looks at you Bella, you can't just force or make that stuff up" dad rubs my back soothingly. 

"He said it" I shrug. "You can't just break up Bella, there's no way. Let me give you a little advice. Sometimes you have to be the bigger person, you have to be the person to talk first. Yes it's hard but sometimes it can lead to the right path" he says gently.

"I'll go over now" I nod. I stand up but dad holds me back. "You need time to think-"

"No I need to go now" I take my arm back. I grab my keys then get in my car. Immediately starting the engine and I'm off to him.

"Bella?" Jon asks. "Is he here?" I ask putting my hood down. "Bella go home-"

"Jon please" I walk closer to him. His eyes told me he felt pity for me. "Who is it?" Brian walks over, his smile dropped at seeing me.

"Shit" he mumbles. "Go home Bella" Brian tells me. "Please, let me just talk to him" I sniffle. "Bella you can't-"

I move him out the way walking over to the living room. And my god I wished I stayed at home, wished I turned back because this hurt more than anything feeling in the world.

"Hi bells!" Kenna gets up pulling me into a hug. My body freezes as I'm met with his dark eyes. "It's so nice to see you, how are you feeling?" She asks me, pep in her voice that made me cringe.

"Shawn I- we need to talk" I mumble. "Get out Bella" he brushes me off.

I turn looking to Brian for help or Jon or Matt but they were his friends not mine. I was alone in this.

"Shawn please" I beg. "I- I just don't understand. Three months will go so fast. What're you afraid of? That you'll cheat on me when I'm away? Or I'll cheat? Because I won't, I love you and you're- you're ruining us. Did I really mean nothing to you!" It's like I was talking to a brick wall.

"Matt please, tell him to listen to me" I go over to Matt, my nose all runny, eyes blurred with tears. "I'm sorry Bella" matts sighs.

"Jon, make him talk! I love him, please, please, please I'm begging you!" I whimper but no reply, only a look of sadness.

"Brian you know I love him. I love him so much, I can't do this please. Make him at least look at me-"

"Get out Bella" my arm gets tugged back by Shawn. I hold his upper arm whimpering at how much he's hurting me. "Shawn you can't do this! This whole time we loved each other! You can't just forget that" I shake my head.

"Shawn stop it! Please if you love me you wouldn't do this!" I sob.

"Hey hey hey" Kenna takes my arm and Shawn steps back. "Kenna you must understand, I love him so much-"

"He doesn't love you" she says gently. "He's lying" I mumble.

Brian then holds my shaking body. "I'll take you home" he leads me outside. I had no fight left in me.

I look back seeing Shawn with his lips on Kenna.

"I think it's scary and even heartbreaking when you love someone so much and they don't love you back." That's what I told him.

"You don't have to be scared of that. I love you" and then he lied to me.

"Your heart will break, it's not fixable Bella. I'm telling you having your heart broken by him is something scary. You'll cry and cry, sob till you can't speak, heart will ache, it's all terrible Bella-" and that's what Kenna told me and she was right.

"We're here" Brian says. I nod getting out. He gets out with me and hands me the keys.

"I'm sorry Bella" Brian hugs me tightly. I sob into his shoulder. "My flight is at four on the 27th. If he wants to come" I sniffle.

He nods then let's go off me. "You were the best thing to happen to him Bella-"

"It doesn't feel like that" I shake my head. "Bye Brian" I walk away up to the gates waiting for them to open.

Once they closed I had my safe place. I hated the world, I hated fate for bringing me to him, I hate that I'm so vulnerable, I hate myself but I can't hate him.

Colour Storms: Shawn Mendes ✔️Where stories live. Discover now