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"Is it my turn?"
Bella Croft

This is was truly so nice. Shawn was getting along with Dana and Ken so well. Of course they embarrassed me a little by telling them stories of my childhood. They asked him question and his replies were genuine and honest.

I just taken my third shot, I was really trying to pace myself as Shawn told me not to drink a lot. I decided to stop now. Where as Shawn had taken like five and he was still okay, just a little extra touchy and giddy.

"Ken, babe lets dance" Dana says. Ken nods standing up and let's Dana lead him to the dance floor. I watch as she dances around him, he looked at her with pure love and I couldn't help but wonder if Shawn looked at me like that.

"You wanna dance?" Shawn says near my ear. I nod standing up, I take his hand leading him near Dana and Ken.

Then of course some sexual song by The Weekend comes on. I turn facing Shawn with a giggle as I loosely throw my arms around him pulling him closer to my lips.

The kiss was definitely sloppy, wet and more so sexy. His hands ran down my sides then he grabbed me by my belt loops forcing me closer to his body.

I began rocking my hips, swaying them with the music against him, doing what I saw Dana do because I had no idea.

I pull back and he breaks into a smile then twirls me around and pushes my body up against his. I let out a moan in his ear only so he could hear it, my head fell back on to his shoulder and he kisses down my neck and his hands feel around my skin going under my top.

"You wanna leave?" He asks nibbling on my ear lobe. I nod and he takes me hand, as we leaves he texts the guys and we get in an Uber. The ride to his place was filled with giggles form both of us and a lot of touching.

We finally arrived and he picked me up making me giggle. We get in the elevator and he puts me down pressing me up against the wall he kisses me roughly and his large right hand squeezes my boob unexpectedly making me moan softly.

The elevator dings and we walk out hand in hand. I watch him as he puts the key in and unlocks the door.

"Wait" he quickly shuts the door before we walk in. "I need you to stay here for a couple of minutes. Just trust me" he grabs my face and kisses the top of my head.

"Hurry, I'm needy" I chuckle. He smirks giving me a nod then quickly walks in.

I go on my phone texting Dana that I'm with Shawn, check my Instagram and post a selfie on Snapchat that me and Shawn had taken earlier then he walks out and shuts the door.

"Okay close your eyes" he stands behind me and covers my eyes with one hand and takes my hand with his other. "What're you doing?" I chuckle as we start to walk. "You'll see"

I hear the door being open and we walk in. We walk a little further and Shawn stops then I feel him move away from me.

"Open you eyes"

I let my eyes flutter open. It was so beautiful, there were tulips everywhere with lit candles. I turned around facing Shawn and he stood with a grin.

This was perfect. Oh my god I love him, this was the epitome of my happiness.

"Do you like it?" He asks, his fingers going to his lips nervously.

I nod walking over and pull him into a hug. His arms wrap around me tightly.

"Oh my god I love you" I whisper in his ear.

Did I just? I pull back abruptly. "I meant I love it, I love what you did, I love all of this-" I cut myself with a sigh.

"No, I mean I love you. Like I really, really love you. You don't have to say anything but-"


"Wait let me just talk. I love you Shawn, I care for you so deeply and when we met I didn't realise how important you'd be to me. You mean a lot to me, like so much. You're the only person I've ever loved and I like that. I'm glad I've been single my whole life because, I'm going to be extremely cringe now but destiny led me to you or made me fall on you" we both let out a chuckle remembering how I fell on him the first day we met.

"And yeah, I'm glad I waited because your perfect. I found the perfect person" I let out a deep breath and finally look him in the eyes. They were shimmering and crinkled because of how hard he was smiling.

"Is it my turn?" He asks. I nod, slightly afraid that he'll shoot me down but he doesn't.

"I'm sure I'll be even more cringe but I mean every word Bella. You're so heavenly, my heart flutters when I see you, I become a little bit nervous, I want to just hear you laugh and hold you Bella. You're the one I desire and oh god you drive me crazy Bella" he chuckles.

"You're so beautiful, my gorgeous girl" he kisses my forehead and let's his lips linger there. I felt complete. He said he loved me with out saying it, that's perfect.

He kisses down my temple and cheek to my ear.

"Je t'aime Bella"

My heart skipped a beat and I let out a small gasp. I was truly overwhelmed and filled with joy. He moves back and takes my face in his hands, his nose brushing mine and his hot breath on my lips.

"Say it again" I whisper. "je t'aime" he smiles. He leans down picking me up from my thighs walking over to his room, he puts me down on the bed and goes over me.

"je t'aime" he whispers before kissing me softly. "Are you ready?" He asks pulling out a condom from his pocket. I laugh nodding.

I pull him back down from his jacket forcing his lips on mine. "je t'aime Shawn" I mumble into the kiss.

"So I was pronouncing it wrong this whole time and you didn't correct me?" He laughs pulling back. "I liked how you said it" I chuckle.

"Say it again" he tells me. "je t'aime" I say.

"Fuck, you sound so sexy" he leans down and kisses down my neck.

I love this chapter
What did you guys think??

Colour Storms: Shawn Mendes ✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt