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Hey guys welcome to Colour Storms!
Shawn Mendes is NOT famous in the book
This is my idea so honey if I catch you copying be prepared to catch these hands
Thank you so much for reading!
All comments are welcome and vote lovely's!
Now on to the book!!!

"It's okay, you know we all run around with... nerf guns?"
Bella Croft
August 27th

"Come on Bells!" Ryder yells for me. "Hold on Ry!" I yell back.

"Dad can I borrow twenty I'm taking Ryder out" I give my dad the biggest smile ever. "Here and don't cause me any trouble Bell" he hands me note. "I won't" I kiss his cheek leaving the kitchen.

I open the double doors seeing Ryder with his bike. "Hey where's your helmet?" I ask him grabbing my bike.

"I'm eight now Bella, you don't wear yours" he says. "I'm nineteen Ry and remember safety first" I tell him putting the black helmet over his jet black hair buckling it up.

"Okay try to keep up Ry" I hop on my bike riding up our pebbled drive way up to the gates. "Where are you going Miss Croft?" Olly asks.

"To the park" I tell him and he opens the large wooden gates. "Be safe!" He shouts as I begin racing off and I hear Ryder behind me.

"Watch out for the bins!" I shout looking back to see him a little behind. I slow down a little then he goes past me. "I'm winning!" He laughs.

I shake my head smiling following him behind. He turns in to the muddy pathway and stops getting off his bike.

I do the same and we walk our bikes to the middle of a large grass area where a huge blossom tree stood. We leaned our bikes against it and I took out a blanket from the basket of my bike and of course Ryder's nerf guns.

"Are you ready?" I ask him putting on my helmet. "Yep" he nods excitedly taking the large blue toy gun from me. "Okay Agent Croft, get ready in 3,2... 1 run!" I yell.

I hear him laugh like crazy as we both run away from each other hiding.

We had been playing this game since Ryder was five. My dad and I taught him how to ride a bike then when he could probably ride I took him to the very park whenever I could and we would play spies. It sounded sad huh a nineteen year old girl playing an imaginary game with her seven year old brother.

But that's the thing I didn't care. I had only two friends, Ken and Dana, they were in a relationship though and I didn't see them much. My mother had passed away when Ryder was three and I was fourteen. Over these five years I had gotten over it though, of course she was still with me.

"Bella!" I heard a whisper. I walked around the bushes I was hiding behind seeing nobody. "Ryder!" I whispered walking back to the blossom tree looking around.

"Ryder!" I shout again not seeing him. Normally he would be in plain sight since he didn't really get the concept of hiding but I couldn't see him.

"Ryder! You win! Come on where are you?" I shout looking around. I probably looked so stupid. Shouting whilst wearing a black helmet and holding a nerf gun in the middle of a park.

"Ry! Where-"

"Got you!" He shouts from behind me and I feel the soft bullets hit my back. "Where'd you come from?" I ask. "I was hiding!" He giggles.

"Now run!" He shouts running towards me whilst shooting me with the plastic bullets. "No!" I laugh whilst running acting defeated as he ran after me.

I heard his giggles and it made me smile. I turned around and began walking backwards shooting him back but I was pretending to miss.

"Bells!" He shouts. I then fall back over a rock. Someone's arms go around me and we fall back with a thud.

"Oh duck" I groan, watching my language as Ryder was there. I sit up slowly seeing two long legs coming out from under me. I quickly stand up brushing off my jeans.

"You okay?" I look down and I freeze. He was so handsome, like completely a god. Did he just step out of a book?

"You seem shaken up, did you hit your head?" I shake my head no watching him as he stands up then runs a hand through his soft looking hair.

"Bella" Ryder whispers tugging my arm. I blink quickly then look straight at his eyes. They were a warm brown and maybe even green?

"I'm sorry" I blurt out. "It's okay, you know we all run around with... nerf guns?" He cocks his head to the side looking down at my hand. I put my hands behind me back quickly. "And you're wearing a helmet, perfect for when you fall over, right" he grins.

"Yeah" I nod.

Why couldn't I speak? Come on Bella!

"Are you okay?" I ask him. "Yeah I am" he nods.

I look down seeing Ryder had left my side and my heart falls out of my chest. My body turns quickly and my heart rate returns to normal when I see him sat by our bikes.

"So erm what're you doing?" The boy places a hand on my shoulder making me turn. Fuck now I'll have to look at his perfect face again.

"Something" I say quickly. "Right I see" he chuckles, his tattooed hand going to the back of his head.

"Sorry" I chuckle. "I'm with my brother and I should probably get back" I point over my shoulder.

"Yeah yeah of course. Sorry for keeping you" he shoots me a smile. God he even had perfect teeth.

I turn around and begin walking away quickly. My body then had a mind of its own and I turned my head to him, he was watching me walk away.

"My names Shawn by the way!" He yells. I chuckle grabbing my bike. "Come on Ryder" I call. He gets on his bike and goes ahead of me past the boy, past Shawn.

I follow a little slower meeting eyes with Shawn briefly as I rode past. I looked back and he gave me a small wave then shoved his hand back in his pocket.

"It's Bella!" I yell back. I then turn around and begin peddling faster catching up to Ryder.

How are we feeling about this so far?
It's just the beginning hehehe

Colour Storms: Shawn Mendes ✔️Where stories live. Discover now