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"Shit sorry, it doesn't have to be called a date"
Bella Croft

I open my curtains further and open the window fully. "What're you doing?" I whisper yell not wanting wake anyone up.

"You forgot something in my car" he shouts looking up. "Can I come in? It's kinda cold" he chuckles. "Hold on, go to the front" I tell him then close my window. I put on a baby pink robe and go downstairs quite hoping no one would hear me.

I open the door and he stands there with his arms behind his back and a grin on his face. "You have to be quite, everyone is sleeping" I pull him in by his arm. We go up the stairs and I hear a creek. "Go to that room, it has a B on the front door" I shove him.

He runs away and then my dad steps out. "Hey honey you okay?" He asks.

"Yeah I'm good I juts couldn't sleep" I shrug letting out a fake yawn. "Oh was it another colour storm?"

"No I'm okay, I'm gonna go to bed now. Night love you" I turn around walking to my room then shut the door behind me.

"Hey" Shawn smiles. He stood in the middle of my room holding a bunch of black and white tulips and cookie dough ice cream. "What're you doing?" I ask laughing a little.

He walks over to me handing me flowers. "For you and also for you" he smiles. He then leans down and presses a kiss at my cheek leaving my skin to fire up.

"You weren't lying when you said you liked black and white" he chuckles looking around my room. The walls were painted white and I had a black framed bed, black duvet with white feathers printed on it, black draws, the carpet was white with a large black fluffy rug and there were a string of fairy lights going from each corner.

"It's nice, simple" he says. "You can sit down" I tell him putting the flowers in the vase I had in my room. "Do you like the flowers? Took me ages to find them" Shawn tells me. I sit beside him nodding. "They're really pretty"

It made my heart happy that he was here. He had gotten my favourite flowers and ice cream and came to my house at this late hour.

"Why are you here?" I ask him. "Well I wanted to see you and you forgot this" he reaches in his pocket and pulls out the money I left in his car and he puts it on my bedside draw.

"You just saw me" I giggle. "Yeah but honestly I couldn't get you off my mind" he shrugs leaning back on his hands. My heart skipped a beat, I could see his amazing body through his thin shirt.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure" I lean back on my head board facing him. "What are colour storms? I heard your dad say it and I've never heard of them" he says. A cute look on his face.

"Is it like a kids thing?" He chuckles. "No" I shake my head. "So what are they?"

"Well my mind goes blank. It's hard to see. Like a migraine but I see blurred colours, lines and shapes. They hurt like hell." I explain. "Oh I'm sorry I shouldn't have laughed before" he sits up placing a gentle hand on my leg.

"It's okay you didn't know. They're actually called aura migraines but my mum called them colour storms because all the colour goes fuzzy" I say. "That's why you like black and white" he comments turning to face me.

I nod looking down at my hands. "Why or how do you get them?"

"Erm when I'm stressed, under pressure or just in a state where I can't cope. I'm not sure why I have them my doctor just told me to stay away from the tv before sleep" I chuckle.

He looks directly in to my eyes looking intrigued. "Did you have one when we all came over?"

"Yeah" I nod. "Were you stressed?

"No that was because of the loud noises and I was surrounded by four boys" I laugh nervously. "Oh" he nods.

"Is that why your eyes are grey?" He asks. I couldn't help but laugh. "No, my mum had grey eyes and my dad has light blue eyes"

"Yeah that was stupid question" he shakes his head. "It wasn't" I tell him.

"You know I really enjoyed our date today" he smiles. So it was a date.

"Our date?" I ask. "Shit sorry, it doesn't have to be called a date" he mumbles.

"I enjoyed our date too" I say. I move forward a little placing my hand on his cheek. He puts his large hand over mine. "Should we eat that ice cream now?" I ask. "Yeah, I forgot about that" he chuckles.

"Wait here" I get off my bed then go over to my door. "Don't make any noise" I tell him. I escape to the kitchen then return as quickly and quietly as I could.

I open the door walking in. "Close your eyes" I tell him. "Okay" he chuckles. He places a hand over his eyes. I grab the cookie dough tub and two spoons and a tub of mango ice cream for him. I put it on his lap.


He looks down and a cute laugh escapes his lips. "It's my dads favourite so we always have some" I tell him handing him a spoon.

"Are you staying the night?" I ask cautiously. "If you want but don't worry I won't do anything. We can just sit and eat ice cream" he smiles up at me. "Yeah and watch documentaries" I tell him grabbing my laptop.

Colour Storms: Shawn Mendes ✔️Where stories live. Discover now