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"Baby don't move"
Bella Croft


I woke up feeling a grip around me. I rubbed my eyes then saw Ryder right in front of me.

"What's he doing?" He asks. I turn looking at Shawn, his mouth gaped open, pink plump lips, hair messy and all over the place.

"Shh ry, he's sleeping. Don't tell daddy" I whisper. "Okay but breakfast is ready and dad said he wants to talk to you" Ryder whispers then leaves my room shutting the door.

I flop back down and Shawn shuffles to me groaning. "Baby don't move"

I think my heart, brain and ovaries just exploded.

His voice was raspy and sweet. The word 'baby' sounded like a delight coming from his lips.

"How long have you been awake?" He asks. I turn around facing him to see his eyes still closed. "Five minutes" I reply in a whisper.

He then opens his eyes and breaks out into a smile. "Hi gorgeous"

My body warmed up and I started smiling like an idiot. "Hi Shawn"

"What's the plan for the morning then?" He asks moving his hands to my lower back. "Well about that, my dad wants to speak to me right now" I says sheepishly.

"Oh" he nods slowly. "Should I leave? Sorry stupid question, I'll go but promise to meet me later?" He leans down kissing my forehead. "I promise" I nod.

He gets out of my bed and I follow. "There's spare stuff in the bathroom and I'll send Olly upstairs to sneak you out" I tell him.

"Okay" he moves closer to me and give me a tight hug. "I'll tell my dad too" I say against his chest.

"Sounds perfect, now go before he gets suspicious" he chuckles pecking my lips. I move out of his grips then go downstairs meeting Olly at the bottom of the stairs conveniently.

"Oh Olly, I had someone over last night. He's in my room, could you sneak him out?" I ask quietly. "Yeah sure anything" he smiles then walks up the stairs and I got to the dining room seeing my dad flipping the pancakes on to a plate.

"Hi honey, just in in time" he smiles handing me a plate. We all sit down and dig in.

"So Ryder said you wanted to talk?" I ask.

"Yeah, we're having a party today at the manor and you'll be here right. It's a party for potential customers and I sent out invites last night so there should be a lot of people here and I'm just letting you know" he explains.

"Okay that's fine, so is it like a casual party? What should I wear?" I ask. "It's a little more formal, so maybe a dress. Nothing too much but makes a good impression" he says.

"What time?"

"Guests will start to arrive at seven" he answers. "Okay well I'm gonna do some work then I'll get ready" I pick up my plate going to the kitchen I wash it then escape upstairs.

"Shawn?" I whisper, just in case he was there but there was no answer, I go over to my wardrobe and start looking through it all.

Group Chat
The guys + Bella

Party at the manor!!!! 👏

Wooo!! Ur dad sent us an invite

What do we wear? 😮

Ayyeeee turning it up 😎😎

Wait is it a party party?
Like booze?

Hey what's up guys

Oh party at Bella's?

Hey guys, Yep there's a party.
My dad just told me
It's more of a formal party so more likely champagne 😂

Oh cool, my parents said they got invited too

My dad invited any potential customers and past customers

Ooo love champagne

So Issa fancy party? 🤪
Wtf do we wear?

Maybe wear a shirt and
black jeans or slacks?

What're you gonna wear? 😊

I'm not sure, I can't decide

Show us
we'll help you! And you help us

No don't show us🙃
we'll see you tonight

Yeah I'll see you guys later
gotta get ready!!

Messages between Shawn and Bella

Hey Bells, can't wait to see you❤️

Can't wait to see you too! 💓
Are your parents coming?

Yeah but I'll probably arrive with the guys

what're you going to wear?

You show me
I'll show you x

It's a red dress

Show me babe

Ugh give me a second 🙄

Shawn So beautiful 😍 Why'd you crop your gorgeous face??! I hope you have more dresses like that so you can wear them when I take you out on dates💛

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So beautiful 😍
Why'd you crop your gorgeous face??!
I hope you have more dresses like that so you can wear them when I take you out on dates💛

That was soooo sweet!
I can't wait to see you😚
Show me what you're going to wear!

You'll have to see
when I get there 🤷🏻‍♂️

You can't do that!
Shawn, baby please
I showed you

Ooo calling me baby now
You look beautiful
I'll see you soon gorgeous girl ❤️

Shawn that's unfair!
Come early?
Ugh fine, see you soon🙂x

Colour Storms: Shawn Mendes ✔️Where stories live. Discover now