[thirty five] angels choking on their halos

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Stoke POV

"So you mean to tell me, Symere is a demon, Jarad is also a demon and is Symere's cousin, and you, Jahseh, are an angel?" Stokeley asked.

He'd sent Gazzy back to the playroom as a 'class monitor'. Gazzy excitedly ran off screaming about his new 'big boy job'. We were currently seated in  Miss Regina's old office.

I nodded and placed a hand in Stokes knee. "Yes. That is the full story. Nothing else, no one else. No other bitches with names that starts with Gen and ends with Eva."

I sighed for snitching on myself. That last part was extra but okay.

This is some real yeehaw shit.

Stokes shook his head again. "It's just... there's something that's bothering me about this whole situation."

"W-what?" I deadpanned.

He looked me in the eyes and pushed my hand away from his knee. "See, I get Symere being a demon and all, but I know you're lying. And I know exactly what you're lying about."

My blood ran cold. Fuck! Fuck me in the ass with a Red Hot Dick!

"What do you mean? I'm telling you-"

"Nope, I know you're lying! Want me to tell you what you're lying about?!" He stood up from his seat.

"What?" I asked.

"You know damn well.....that you ain't no fucking angel! I know yo ass ain't in no way related to the Lord." He laughed.

I released a breath that I ain't even know that I was holding.

I let out a nervous laugh. "Ha ha, I'm glad that you find that amusing. But you're wrong, I am indeed an angel."

He placed a hand on my shoulder. I quickly realized that I liked being eye level with him. Easier access, although being short had it's perks when it came to me giving him hugs.

"Jah, you are definitely not an angel. Sure, I believe that you, Sy, and Jare-Bear are something out of this world in a sense, but there ain't no way in hell that yous an angel."

I pouted. Is it really that hard to believe?

"What kind of-" I stopped, an idea popped into my head. I smirked.

He moved his hand and took a step back. "Nuh, uh. That's that look you get when you think about something, and I don't consent."

I took a step forward, and he took another step back. He shook his head.

"Last time you got that look, you decided to hop in my shower. Then, I'm sure you had that same look when you bit me at the zoo. Stay the fuck back, Jahseh." He chuckled nervously.

His reactions to my actions and presence are the reason I love him so much. It's so amusing.

"You wanna see my wings and halo, Stoke Poke?" I tilted my head and smirked.


"Remind me again why I decided to come up here with you?" Stokeley asked as we stood on the top of a hill not to far away from the daycare.

We'd left Daniel in charge of the class, and Sy was in charge of Daniel.

"Because you love me but the author won't make you admit it because she's not completely sure if the readers will approve the relationship since I was just six years old literally two chapters ago." I shrugged.

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