[four] what the fuck is a stokeley

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"Alright, here's what you need to know about the kids, and any other staff." My mom explained while applying some red lipstick to her lips.

She examined her lips in the mirror, closed the mirror, and turned to face me. A questionable look on her face. I raised an eyebrow. "What?"

She groaned. "Why are you so damn ignorant? I swear it's like you want me to beat some sense into you."

"Sorry. I'll try harder next time."

"How does it look? Do I need to change the color? Is it too bold?" She asked, this time she leaned over the seat and put her face a little too close to mine.

"Ma. It looks okay. Can you please back up? I don't need to smell what you had to eat this morning." I made a stank face.

"Nigga did you just say my breath smell like booty?" She screamed, taking off her shoe.

"What?! No! Ma, I didn't say th-"


Did she really just slap me with a croc?

I know damn well she didn't just disrespect me like that. A fucking croc??

"Shut the fuck up. I didn't ask you to tell me what you said!" She yelled again, now putting the shoe back on. "Get the fuck out of the car. I'll explain what I had to say when we get inside."

I rubbed both of my cheeks. I pulled down the mirror, no bruises. Great.

"Why are you still inside?" My mom yanked my door open, and snatched me out.

"Ow, ma. C'mon now." I protested.

"Boy you too damn soft. Put some bass in ya voice." She smacked me upside the head.

I really don't like this bitch.

"Everyone meet Stokeley!" My mom said enthusiastically.

No one said anything, except for one kid with a toy gun. "What the fuck is a Stokeley?"

"Taymor!" My mother yelled.

"I'm a Stokeley. WhAt tHE hel- heCk is a TaYmOr??" I repeated at the fat forhead ass little boy. Ain't no child about to disrespect me, I throw hands at children too.

My mom walked over to 'Taymor' and pulled him towards a corner by his ears to talk.

I felt a small tug at my leg. I looked down and was met with a pair of big doe eyes and very red lips around some sort of sucker. His curly hair was hanging over his eyes, and he was wearing a hoodie with Barney on it and some khakis. He smiled at me. "Hello. I like your shoes." He said with a slight lisp.

"Thanks lil man. I like your hoodie." I gestured to his outfit, he gave another small smile before he frowned. What happened to your cheek?" He pointed. I bent over to pick him up.

He's so cute.

"I was doing something wrong, and I suffered a consequence. Also, my mom is a very mean person." I said as I balanced him on my hip.

He nodded, popping the candy back into his mouth and resting a head on my shoulder.

"Hey Diego! What are you doing?" Another kid asked walking up to me. I glanced back over to my mom. She'd walked over to another corner now, talking on the phone.

I guess I'm in charge now.

Diego twisted around to see who was calling for him. His hair brushed against my nose.

The kid that called for Diego was not standing in front of me, looking confused at why I was holding his friend.

"Who's this?"

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