Chapter Forty

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To be safe, I crept slowly over to the door. I rested my ear onto the wood and tuned into their conversation.

"Why didn't you tell me Megan was with you? In the same room?" I heard Zayn say. I swallowed. Please, Aria, don't tell him why.

"Megan asked if you liked her," Aria replied, "So I called you."

"Why would she ask that?" Zayn asked. Aria, don't tell him. If you do, then I'll--my thoughts were cut off by Aria's response.

"Because she sort of likes you," Aria said. I literally wanted to punch Aria.

"She does?" Zayn asked. His voice sounded excited.

"Megan is in the kitchen if you wanted to talk to he-" Aria's voice was cut off by me getting hit by the door.

"Ow!" I exclaimed clutching the right side of my head.

"I'm sorry, Megan, I didn't mean to," the person who banged into me apoligized.

"Why did you do that?" I asked, not caring who the person was.

"Because I wanted to come in here and talk to you," the person replied. It was Zayn. Oh, great, "And I didn't realize you were on the door."

"I wasn't on the door!" I shouted, "I was listening to your conversation with Aria!"

"You were easedropping?" Zayn asked. He blushed, so did I, "Well, this is awkward. You know now that I like you."

"No, I knew about an hour ago," I said calmly walking over to the counter, not making eye contact, "And you know that I like you....and Aria is so dead."

"So, you and Dylan broke up?" Zayn asked changing the conversation. I nodded my head.

"Yep," I crossed my arms, "We're through. But don't get your hopes up."

"What?" Zayn chuckled a bit and walked closer over to me.

"I don't want you to think that if I'm not in a relationship, that you can automatically date me," I said looking into his brown eyes.

"Who said I wanted to date you?"

"No one that I know of. But I do know that you like me, so I just assumed that you would like to."

"Oh, well, you like me. I sort of thought the same thing."

"You did?"

"Yeah, but don't get your hopes up," Zayn quoted what I just said. I laughed.

"I do like you, I will admit that I do," I said, "Right in front of you."

"Okay, I like you too," Zayn said staring at me, "Now, if we both like each other, then...wouldn't this be a little, I don't know, um-"

"Awkward?" I cut him off. He nodded, "I know. If we were to date, then our friends, well mostly your friends, plus mine, Aria, would make fun of us. I called you guys idiots and we totally despised each other since we met."

"Exactly," Zayn said taking a seat on the counter. I did the same thing, but I sat acrossed from him on another one.

"If we did date....we could keep it a secret?" I mumbled playing with my thumbs. Zayn looked up from the floor with a huge smirk, "What?"

"We can keep it a secret!" Zayn exclaimed. I laughed sarcastically.

"What a perfect idea, Zaynie," I rolled my eyes.

"Zaynie?" Zayn asked, "Really?"

"Hello? We can't date!" I said moving my hands all around, "It would be a disaster!"

Truth Or Dare (A One Direction Fan-Fiction)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu