Chapter 50: Trekking

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Derina's POV-

"Means, we have to travel in the bus for almost two hours to get to the camp or whatever and then walk for 45 minutes approximately because a bus can't drive on that road." Nick explained.

We were sitting in school at 7:00 am. Waiting for the further instructions and for the bus to arrive.

"We have to walk for 45 minutes!" Jessica said as if she was going to die doing that.

Honestly, I was excited to go to a beautiful place, with great scenery, a small lake and all my friends. And Mason of course. I don't know if he comes into the normal friends category. But thinking about Hawaii, this trip is bound to make changes between us again. And if he doesn't man up and just say it, I'm going to do it. Actually, yeah I still feel that the guy should do it. Like you know, the guy should initiate. He should say whatever he feels. That's the stereotype and I want to go with it.

Suddenly my bag was snatched from my hand. And obviously it was Mason. He kept the bag in the backside of the bus where everyone was loading their luggage.

"I thought you were just going to stand there for the whole trip." He said and then took some more bags and kept them inside. Did I mention he looked hot doing that. "Why are you spacing out Derina?" In three quick strides he was standing close to me. "Lost in thoughts?" He smirked raising one eyebrow.

"I was waiting for you to take my bags and keep them, in a gentleman way." I said.

"Could you have a more stupid answer?" He chuckled.

"You're annoying."

He looked different. Like he was tired. He looked like he hadn't been sleeping properly.

"You love that I'm annoying. Besides, I would be boring if I wasn't annoying." He was so full of himself, Oh my God.
"Oh, also, I'm adorably annoying."

I've heard that before. "You are-'' I was saying.

"Come on guys, get into the bus." Nathan said. He and Kyra walked to the door. Dan, Nick, Tina, following.

I walked with Jessica and sat on the window side and before I could say anything Aiden was sitting beside me. Jess and Nathan were behind us. And everyone else was settled in the seats around us. Mason wasn't here yet. I wanted to sit next to him. Because even if he's annoying, talking to him is always fun. And the ride was pretty long.

Then Mason entered and his eyes met mine and then he saw Aiden beside me and I thought I saw his jaw clench. Maybe I was imagining stuff now. It almost looked like he was hurt because I didn't sit next to him or something. He went and sat next to Derek and kind of far from my seat. He put his earphones on and closed his eyes.

We were all talking and singing and what not. We stopped at a food mall and washroom kind of place.

"What the hell is going on between you and Derek?" I asked Jessica when she came out of a bathroom stall.

"Could you atleast let me pee in peace?" She asked me dramatically.

"You're done with peeing. Just speak."

"Nothing is going on. We are just friends."

"You guys weren't so close before." I said and we walked towards the bus again.

"Derina, it's really nothing. I don't know what's going on really." She said and climbed up. I went behind her and saw Mason sitting alone on the window side. His eyes were still closed.

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