Chapter 10: Mason and skating

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I was walking into my mother's room. Each step I was taking was making it more and more heavy.

I had to tell her today. I'll have to tell her everything about Dad and how he's not the person she thinks he is. She'll have to understand.

I knocked on her door. She didn't answer. So I knocked again and she said, "Come in Derina, you don't have to knock." She smiled at me.

She was seated on her table with all her work spread in front of her. She looked at me from behind the desk.
"Do you want anything Dare?" She asked me as I wasn't saying anything.

"Mom, I want to tell you something about Dad." I said. She will feel terrible if she would know that I knew this from such a long time and still didn't tell her.

She knit her eyebrows in confusion."What is it Dare? Did he say something to you?"

"Mom,-" A tear rolled down my cheek. I didn't realize I had been crying. My Mom walked towards me. I continued my sentence,"-Mom, Dad was having an affair." My mom's face paled. Her eyes wide.

"With Lauren, Kyra's mother." I told her.

"How do you know that?" She was on the verge of tears. "who told you and how long have you known all this?"

I explained everything to her. She cried alot. I was trying to console her.

She got up and walked towards the door and out. I followed her I was shouting for her to stop. She went out took her car and left. I didn't know what to do.

Two hours later I got a phone call from an unknown number."Hello, I am talking from the Central hospital. Mrs. Williams has met with an accident. Could you come to the hospital please?" I dropped the phone from my hand.


I woke up with sweat on my forehead. That nightmare was so bad. I never get such dangerous nightmares.

My throat felt parched. I took the lid off the glass of water kept on the bedside table and drank it.

The dream itself was so bad then how was I gonna handle it in reality? I had to tell Mother that Dad had his tongue down another woman's throat.

It was 4:00am and it was way too early to wake up for school.

I couldn't sleep at all. The dream coming into my mind the second I close my eyes. So I kept my back on headboard in a seating position and took the laptop which was beside me on my queen size bed. I had slept watching Netflix I guess.

I opened my Instagram account and started surfing. I had follow requests from Derek and all. But I wanted to see Mason's account. Yeah stalkerish much. So I searched for his profile. Luckily it was an open account. So many followers.

 So many followers

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