Chapter 46: Hopelessly in Love

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Derina's POV-

Talking to Derek was like taking advice from a caring big brother. He was always giving proper reasons. I really did miss him. I wish he had come earlier.

I walked into the living room and saw Derek and Jess sitting there.

"I can't figure out if I should start this conversation with a compliment, a horrible pick-up line, or a simple 'hello.' You choose." Derek said to Jessica.

"A kiss would be just fine." Jess said and smirked.

Oh my God. Were they actually flirting? Shit shit shit. Jess flirting with a guy other than Nick. Oh my God.

"I just saw the new picture you uploaded. Looking hotter than ever, I see." Mason whispered in my ear. "But hey, I like your straight hair better."

I narrowed my eyes at him. He chuckled. Okay real nice Derina. I should've replied with something. Oh but Mason's sexy voice and that comment caught me off guard.

"Stalkerish much?" Wow, he noticed the slight change in my hair in the photo. I felt a small jolt of happiness.

Pathetic really. These days, everything he says, does that to me. It's like I'm a sick 16 year old.

"What can I say? You bring out the stalker in me." He chuckled and placed his arm on my shoulder. His touch was doing something to me.
So he continued speaking. "Do you see your best friend and mine flirting with each other?" He asked me.

"Yeah and it's really, shocking and disturbing." I nodded. I cleared my throat. Because all this while Mason and I were whispering so they didn't hear us.

"Oh hey, where's everyone else?" Jessica asked and she looked a bit startled.

"Here." Daniel announced and walked in with Tina on his arm. They both were like the most sorted couple in our friend list. They were cute together.

And then Nathan and Kyra entered. Now they were the second sorted couple. Because they had problems before, but now they were fine. Aiden, Ashley and Nick behind them.

Ashley. I just rolled my eyes at her bitchy face and sat down.

So Mason came and sat beside me. Making himself really very comfortable, stretching his arm behind me on the edge of the couch. Legs wide. So only the two of us could fit on the huge couch.

"So the trip is next week. Woohoo" Kyra said all enthusiastically and we chuckled. Nathan was looking at her in all admiration.

"Are we really going? There's going to be a forest surrounding." Ashley said.

"So what?" Daniel said and laughed at his cousin.

"There will be thousand insects. We don't know what kind of place we will stay at. What if they make us stay in tents?" She ranted and every single person in the room was quite for a minute.

"There's a choice, those who want to camp outside in the woods, can do it. Otherwise, there's a proper hotel kind of facility." Nick said. Jess and Nick were looking at each other in a weird way. Breakups suck.

"Yeah, you don't need to be such a girl." Mason said and snorted. I felt the need to chuckle because Mason said that to her.

I didn't know if I was right or not but I felt like Mason had shifted a bit closer to me than before. I don't know. I could just feel his body heat and his smell. He smelled really nice. I don't even know how, because it wasn't a perfume or something.

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