Chapter 40: Old times

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Derina's POV-

"When you weren't here, Mason always used to come home in the morning on my birthday. It was just twice, but he did it. He'll come tomorrow too." Mom said.

Tomorrow is my birthday and my Mom's birthday. Yeah I was born on her birthday.

Now Mason coming home is gonna be great. So great that I could run in the opposite direction. Things have been pretty awkward between us.

"I was thinking about arranging a party this year because you are here too."

"No Mom. I don't want a party." I said and picked up the papers lying in front of me. I didn't even have time to visit all the hotels.

"Why not? And I've already sent invites to my friends. It's in our house. Now you decide whether you want to arrange a party for yourself or not."

"Why would I want to arrange for myself when your friends would obviously include the parents of my friends." I said and rolled my eyes.

"And I want you to meet someone special." She smiled at me.

"What?!" She wants me to meet her boyfriend?

Okay I'm jumping to conclusions but that sentence is the one that means that she wants us to meet officially. It is weird. And it's more weird when her daughter doesn't have a boyfriend and she does.

"What's so wrong in it?" She asked.

"You didn't even ask if I was okay with it."

"I'm the Mom. Not you. And you made it clear before that you don't want to do anything with my relationship. So I'm directly letting you meet him."

My Mom was unbelievable.

The doorbell rang. Who must've come at night?

We walked into the living room and the door had already been opened by a servant. I couldn't be any happier, it was Grandma. I didn't know she would come for our birthday.

"Grandma!" I ran towards her and hugged her.

"Hello darling." She chuckled. "Hey Nina." She said to Mom.

"We didn't know you were coming Victoria." My Mom said curtly. I didn't know why they don't get along.

"Why would I tell you before coming here?" Grandma said and then walked inside.

So meeting a new man, i.e my Mom's boyfriend in front of my Grandma. Wow, I want to know what My Grandma has to say about this.

I talked to Grandma for like one hour non stop. I told her everything about NYC. I told her about Aiden. I told her about all the stuff going on with Jess. Finally I told her about Mason. And then Mom's new boyfriend.

"Did you say Ashley? Ashley Martin?" She asked.

"Yeah. That's the one."

"Martin family's business had gone down once. Her Grandfather had come to your Grandfather, my husband, for help. But we had refused at that time. But seeing as Mason's family wasn't moved by the sudden down economy, they reached out to them."

"So that's why both the families are so close." I said and breathed out. I never liked Ashley. Even if she was hurt because of Aiden, she just has a bitch face. A bitch vibe.

"Their Grandfathers had a deal. Did Mason tell you anything about it?"

"No. We haven't really talked without fighting or arguing since so many months." I said. "How do you know so much?"

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