Chapter 24: Him and I

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Derina's POV-

I didn't really want to talk to Mason after last couple of days. He had acted all weird and mean. I didn't understand what was the matter with him. I still feel that maybe he thinks the kiss was a mistake.

He was driving silently and so I decided to play some songs. He didn't say anything to that too. But I did feel like he was thinking.

I really didn't know where he was taking me. But I didn't wanna ask him about it. Let's see what he has got for me in this surprise outing.

His phone rang, he saw the caller ID and his face kind of fell. He was thinking whether to answer or not.

"Yes?" He asked directly on the phone. He listened to what was being said. "What? Are you sure? Did you tell Dad and Mr. Will-" He was saying but he stopped and looked at me. I thought he was gonna say my surname. He then cursed under his breath. He pulled the car over at the side and got out. I decided to sit inside.

He then talked to someone for almost five minutes and when he opened the door to get inside he said, "Okay Dad, we'll sure as hell get him down, I gotta go. I'll see you in a while."


He took me to a beach. Which happened to be near my Grandma's house. Now all my excitement was almost dead. He just got me to a beach? Which was almost empty just like our 5:30am jog beach.

"What the hell? You got me this far to a beach?" I yelled and he didn't even spare me a glance. He walked to one of the stores which lined outside the beach and took two surf boards. I am not at all doing that. He also took two bodysuits that you need to wear.

"Mason? What do you think you're-" I didn't get to complete that sentence because he yanked me by my arm.

"Derina, just shut up. Don't stress it out so much." He sighed at the end and so I decided to shut my mouth. But I so wasn't going to surf.

"Okay so listen. Whenever the wave comes, you have to stand up." He started. I looked at him with my arms folded and we were standing in the sand a bit far from water. He continued talking about how we have to surf. My mouth was hanging open by the time he finished.

"Do you guys need a surf trainer?" A guy came over to me and Mason arguing about surfing.

"Actually, no. He's the surf trainer." I pointed at Mason and he scowled at me.

"I'm not doing it Mason!" I said tired and irritated with arguing so much.

"Are you scared Williams? I dare you, Dare." He said and walked closer so he could look into my eyes.

"Fine. Now you see me." I said and smirked.

As he had told me, I slept on the board and just when the wave came it crossed over me and I was damn scared. But still I got up step by step by going on the knees first and then standing on the middle of the width of the board and then bending in the knees and arms out straight. And viola. I did it in the first try itself.

Mason had started surfing too. With each wave coming, I got more excited and used to it. Honestly this was the best decision Mason had made in a while other than letting me drive at the tracks. Surfing too, made me feel like, I had no words to explain the happiness actually.

"So how was it Williams?"

"It was great Mason. It was awesome. Each wave coming over me, and to be honest I was so scared for the first time, I almost fell off the board." I said and didn't realize that I was holding Mason's arm all the while."I experienced a sense of exhilaration and happiness that I haven't felt in a really long time." I looked at him sincerely.

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