Epilogue: New Adventures

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Zayn’s POV


                Perrie hurriedly adjusted the decorations at the last minute while we waited for our guests to arrive.  Perrie and I found an apartment we liked right outside of the campus we will both attending this fall and we couldn’t be happier.  We didn’t have much space, but the fact we found we could afford made us really happy and relieved.  I drained the pasta as the stove kept the meat sauce warm.

                The door bell rung and Perrie answered the door.  Louis and Eleanor both came walking in. “Hi!” Perrie greeted them, “How have you been?  What brings you to Bradford?” she asked them while hugging both of them.

                “We’d thought we would stop by after doing some wedding shopping in Leeds,” Eleanor answered her.  “We literally have a million things we will have to figure out between now and the wedding,”

                “I know.  I remember how I felt when I did all of that, but I don’t have to worry about it anymore because I’m happily married,” Perrie smiled brightly looking straight at me.  “You must be tired then.  Take a seat at the table,” Perrie motioned to the table as they both sat down.

                Eleanor nodded her head and walked to sit down on the table like a trained lab dog Louis did the same.  “I am.  Today, I looked at rentals for napkins, chairs, covers for chairs, tablecloths, silverware…well basically everything but the dress,” Eleanor admitted.

                “Do you have one picked out yet?” Perrie asked mischievously as I started dishing the plates.  When Perrie saw I was making the plates, she got up to pour wine into our wine glasses. 

                “It’s a secret,” Eleanor giggled to Perrie making contact with Louis.

                “I’m not allowed to know anything until the day of on that matter,” Louis confessed. “So her lips are sealed when she is with me,”

                Perrie came back and handed both of them drinks. “Yeah, we’re doing the wedding outside at one of Louis’ relatives’ farm.  I think it will be absolutely and it’s on the way to Manchester, so it’s reasonable for both families to get to,”

                “Wonderful, I’m so excited,” Perrie squealed excitedly.  “After we got back from our honeymoon, that is all I have thought about.”

                “How was your honeymoon?” Eleanor asked her.  Louis got up to greet me and help me with putting the plates and silverware on the table.

                “Wonderful, it was nice just to have some time to ourselves,” Perrie started, “Of course, we went out some to the beach, but mostly we just slept and relaxed,”

                “Good,” Eleanor smiled at her.  She then looked down surprised. “Wow, supper already?”  She pointed to the plates of food already on the table.

                “Yeah, we’re ready whenever you are,” Louis told her sweetly holding her hand.  Eleanor and Perrie then picked up their forks, so I and Louis did the same as we begin to eat the food.  The sauce Perrie made to go with the spaghetti tastes really good.  It has the perfect combination of meat, tomatoes, and spices.  I sipped some wine after a few bites. “Perrie, this is really good,” Louis told her.  “Niall would eat a whole pot of this, I guarantee you,”

                “Thanks, Louis,” Perrie beamed with confidence. “I miss the other lads.  We haven’t heard too much recently from any of the other three,”

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