The Date I Won't Forget

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Jenny’s POV 

                Harry drove my car to a restaurant that was close by to campus.  We decided to try out a local Chinese place. Harry knew that I really liked Chinese food, so I’m glad he brought us here.  We look at the menu for a few moments before we order.  “What do you get when you come to a place like this, babe?” He asked me.

                “Well, I’m always a big fan of kung pao chicken.  I like that it is really spicy,” I told him.

                “Spicy?  You like spicy dishes?  How have I never noticed this?” Harry asked me curiously.

                “Probably because the cafeteria doesn’t believe in spicy dishes,” I muttered.

                “I will admit the food there is rather bland,” Harry said. “So that is why we’re here: to experience the spice of life that the cafeteria denies us of it.”

                “Indeed.  What are you getting?” I asked him.  He’s been looking keenly at the menu for a long time now.

                “Well, there are many things I like at a Chinese place.  I may go with the Mongolian beef, but there are other options that are tempting,” Harry told me.  It’s all five boys in Harry’s group could eat anything and everything especially Niall.  I just smile at his indecisiveness.  We walk up and place our order.

                After we placed our order with the cashier, we sat at a booth where we could sit across from each other.  Harry put one arm around my shoulder and put his other hand holding one of mine.  Something about Harry today seemed off.  He’s been holding me or touching me nonstop since I met up.  I mean for us to hold hands is normal, but for Harry to also put his arms around my shoulders and bringing me close to him all the time is unusual of him.

                I’ve been around him enough to tell when he’s not in a really good mood like he normally is with me and today was one of those days.  “What’s wrong, babe?” I asked him.  He looked at him and all I could see was pain in his eyes.

                “Nothing, babe,” He lied.

                “No, there’s not.  You look hurt,” I said bluntly. “I can tell when you’re lying,” He sighed.

                “We’ll talk it about later, Jenny.  I’d rather say it in a private setting.  Just me and you.” Harry whispered in my ear at the last sentence.  Hearing his raspy voice and feeling his breath on my ear made my heart flip over.

                “Ok, but you better tell me when we’re alone or I will annoy you to death until you tell me.” I told him sternly.

                “Ok, sounds like a deal.” He smiled, but it looked forced.  At least he could force himself to do it.  Before he could say anything else, our soups came.  I got egg drop and Harry got wonton soup.  We ate our soup in awkward silence until Harry had finished his soup.  “Is it just me or does I feel so tired I wish I had a better word for it?”

                “I do too.  I was just telling Sarah that before I met up with you.” I said to him after I put down m spoon.  “I seriously need to look at a thesaurus and just a find a new word besides tired because I’ve used tired at least 200 times this past week.”

                “So have I.  Club Week sure was fun.  Did you have absolutely no voice that Friday night or was it just me?”

                “Oh, I had no voice for days.  It just now is capable of being at a normal volume.” I chuckled.  “All that screaming and chanting took it out of me.”

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