Mixers Galore

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Zayn’s POV 

                It’s the second day of Club Week and I’m already worn out.  I don’t have to do all the homework and stuff our pledges did, but I still had to attend every single meeting since the officers insisted on having a beau to almost every event.  I’ve learned so much about the pledges and also some of the older members, so it’s fun being there for them to cheer them on.  They approve of my overdramatic costume last night, so I hope to somehow replicate that tonight without the jersey.

                Right now though, I’m finished setting up for a mixer with the guy club Cavaliers which just so happens to be the club Niall is in.  It’s super strange meeting all these guy clubs when I should be meeting a bunch of girl clubs, but I think Theta Mu more than satisfies my needs from a girl club.  The tables are all set up with snack food and we have all the materials necessary for a good game of kickball here at a local park right outside campus.

                Since my club is playing host, I had to get here early to help planning and setting up the event.  All the pledges and maybe some older Cavaliers will be coming as well.  Erin came up to me suddenly after setting up the field.  “Ok, the field for kickball is set up and we have a nice ball to play that.  Is all the food that is supposed to be here, here?”  She asked me.

                “I believe so.  We also napkins and silverware if they feel that is necessary,” I told her.

                “Perfect.  You’re the best, Zayn.”  Erin high-fived me and then looked out to the entrance closest to campus.  “People should start showing up any minute.  Are you passing out food?”

                “Yeah, I think it’s both Marsha and I watching this table,” I told her.

                “Not a bad idea.” Erin mused.  “Thanks for everything, Zayn.  I know I put way too much on you on a daily basis.”  She lightly tapped my shoulders.

                “It’s nothing, Erin.  I’m always there for my friends like you and the other girls.  I want this club to be the best club for girls on this campus,” I told her.  She simply smiled and she walked away as soon as we see group of girls in pink and blue and a bunch of guys strolling up to us.

                Niall is in one group and I observe all of his pledge buddies around him.  Honestly, by sheer looks, Niall looks like he doesn’t fit in at all with his dyed hair and perfectly shaved face, but I know personality wise he fits with them really well.  As Niall sees me by the food, he and his pledge friends come up to me and shake my hands.

                “How’s it going, mate?” Niall asked me cheerfully.  “I see you’re on food duty,”

                “Yeah, they figured I’d be pretty good at guarding food from hungry lads like you,” I teased at him.  Niall then motions to his friends.

                “Mates, this is my best friend, Zayn.  He’s the unofficial beau of Theta Mu.  Zayn, my pledge brothers here are Seth and Jonathan.” I shook both of their hands.  Both of them are wearing the old flannel and jeans look that seems insanely popular here with the big classes and beanies.  Both of them have scruffy beards, but they do seem quite nice.

                “So, are you Irish too?” The one that I think is Seth asks me.  I try to hide my feelings of insult the best I can, but I probably still looked slightly ticked from Niall’s perspective.

                “No, I’m English.  Two different accents, mate.” I said with gritted teeth.  “I hope you can hear the subtle differences in our voices.”

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